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Macleod College

Carwarp St, Macleod, Australia



A State Prep - Year 12 school, 14km from the city centre in Melbourne's leafy northern suburbs. On behalf of the Macleod College Community I would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your family.

We are proud of our students. We encourage and support them to achieve beyond their expectations, and to reach goals they might not have thought possible.

Our staff are committed to ensuring that the values and traditions our community holds dear are nurtured in our students, and we share the courage to challenge the status quo and to be innovative in our teaching.

We strive to maintain high academic standards as well as promoting social and emotional wellbeing. Macleod College provides a creative, stimulating and vibrant learning space as well as a comfortable and inviting environment where students feel at home.

Mario Panaccio



Photos from Macleod College's post

Last week our Grade 3/4 students completed their small business projects with a wonderful Market Day. They have learned about setting up a small business, product development and testing, advertising, and understanding your customer. They ran market stalls and sold their products to their fellow students. Many stalls sold out completely, it was a great success and an excellent way to learn. Well done Grade 3/4!

Photos from Macleod College's post

Photos from Macleod College's post

Our Twilight Concert last night was sensational. Wonderful atmosphere, excellent performances and beautiful weather. Huge thanks to our dedicated instrumental music staff, Parent Music Committee members, sound tech guys, and of course the wonderful music students for their hard work in making this event such a success. The concert was so good that some people forgot to collect their Mangoes.... please pop in to the library on Monday for them. These photos were taken on a mobile phone so they are a bit fuzzy but there will be more photos available soon - please check with the library staff for details. Special thanks to the Watsonia North Primary School parents and students who joined us. The combined violins were amazing! (We have lovely photos which we will send to WNPS for you :) )

Photos from Macleod College's post

Photos from Macleod College's post

Mangoes have arrived and will be available for collection tonight at the Twilight Concert. They smell delicious! The concert starts at 6:30pm and we will have a sausage sizzle and a bar available. Bring your picnic rug or folding chairs and join us!

Photos from Macleod College's post

Macleod College German Tour 2016

Our Discover Germany Tour students have arrived safe and sound. The students have created a Facebook page to share their adventures, and we will be updating the blog with their photos and comments. You can join the group here :

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Our Discover Germany Tour students are about to depart on the adventure of a lifetime! Follow their travel blog here:

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Macleod College Family Movie Night THIS FRIDAY 18th November ALL WELCOME PRIMARY & SECONDARY See UPDATED Flyer for further details. Please support and come along!!! Will be a great relaxed night with the wonderful school community :)

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Happy World Teacher day to all our wonderful teachers! Just for fun, here's a photo of a group of Macleod College teachers who dressed in school uniform last week to farewell our Year 12 students :)

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Photos from Macleod College's post

Our Grade 1 and 2 students performed their play of Little Red Riding Hood for the local kinder last term and again this week for our year 7 students who are about to begin their studies of the Fairy Tale genre and narrative writing in English classes.

Photos from Macleod College's post

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To all our VCE students writing their Year 12 English exam today, we wish you well.

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Edendale Community Environment Farm

This was a fantastic day and our year 10 students made us very proud. Special thanks to Belinda Moody our Head of Science for organising this wonderful opportunity for our budding scientists. We'll have our own photos up soon :) Edendale Community Environment Farm

Edendale Community Environment Farm

Photos from Macleod College's post

TOURNAMENT OF THE MINDS 2016 Huge congratulations to our Tournament of the Minds Primary and Secondary teams for performing at the Metro Northern Regional Finals held at Latrobe University on Sunday 21st August. Each team member showed commitment, respect for each other’s ideas, creation of props, costumes and scripts at every practice session throughout the 6 weeks prior to the tournament. A big thank-you to all parents involved for their continuous support and encouragement. We are very proud to have been part of the TOM journey with the two creative teams of individuals. Go Macleod College!!! Mrs Petrovska & Ms Dolly (TOM Coordinators and Facilitators)

Photos from Macleod College's post

Photos from Macleod College's post

On Wednesday, the 17th August, the Year 11 and 12 German classes departed for a three-day German Immersion Camp. Upon arrival, the Year 11s got straight into work. Over the three days, we worked on the theme of Fairytales in order to write our own fairytale (in German) for an upcoming assessment. Apart from working very hard, we were also able to have a lot of fun! We watched a German film, learned Latin dancing and had a German dance party. We all thoroughly enjoyed it and are very excited for next year’s camp. Courtney Price

Photos from Macleod College's post


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