Ra Room
Reiki Healing and Chakra Balancing. Card readings. Yoga classes, both group and one on one, Infant massage consultancy and instruction.
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Busy lives are our reality and sometimes stress levels can become more than we can bare. Taking a moment to pause and sit quietly and focus on the breath can do wonders for our mental and emotional health. Contact Ra Room to learn more about meditation and pranayama and how controlling your breath and can change your life for the better.
Health Benefits of Frankincense Essential Oil | Organic Facts
I am obsessed with essential oils. Franky is the king of oils especially good with treating skin conditions and calming the nervous system. This article shines the light on how powerful Franky is.
Spirit Science
I'm feeling it! Are you guys too? The planets are seriously messing with our emotions at the moment. Well f u planets! We got this! Seriously BACK OFF!!
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7 Sacred Herbs for Activating and Harmonizing the Chakras
Sun Gazing
Put some time aside each week just for you... To do something you love. You'll feel better, you'll love better and you'll be better equipped to give back... Which at the end of the day is what it's all about. Life.
Prince Ea
It's all about connecting. 😊
Are You More Awake Than Your Family? 12 Ways to Heal Relationships When Your Family Is Still Asleep
Great article on managing yourself in family relationships.
In The Night between 23 and 24 January, The Moon Will Become a "WOLF MOON"- Turning Point for...
💜 awesome!
Tommy Chong