All Time Conveyancing
Maria Lawrie home page I do the legal work that is involved in the buying and selling of real estate. I am a Licensed Conveyancer and a JP.
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Having problems with your neighbour about a fence? This information may help.
Well, that was Christmas and the New Year. Now its time to get back to work!!! Happy New Year one and all.
The pros and cons of dual-key investment properties
Panic purchases a pain for consumers | Department of Finance, Services and Innovation
Good advice of the Office of Fair Trading regarding panic Christmas shopping.
Selling or Buying Residential property then read this. The ban on underquoting residential property has been reinforced in recent amendments to the Property, stock and business agents laws that commenced on 16 December 2016. The tightened laws make clear that licensed agents are responsible for any underquoting law breaches under their watch. Underquoting provisions will apply to an agent regardless of who they employ or otherwise engage in the sale process. The agent must also ensure those persons are appropriately licensed. Agents are not required to make any changes to their business under these laws, but need to be aware they are responsible for underquoting regardless of who they engage in the selling process. A blitz in early 2016 issued warning letters or fines for the following underquoting law breaches: instances of underquoting – where the marketed price was lower than the price in the agency agreement failing to record representations made to prospective buyers regarding a property's estimated selling price using banned terms such as 'offers above' or 'offers over' to promote a residential property for sale. Such terms can underquote or obscure a property's true estimated value, which is misleading to potential buyers not amending the price in the agency agreement when the estimated selling price is revised revising the estimated selling price in the agency agreement, without: recording the evidence for why it had changed keeping records to show that the seller was updated with the evidence for why the estimated selling price had changed. Penalties were also imposed for: operating without the necessary licence or certificate of registration a supervisor (licensee in charge) having an unlicensed property manager or salesperson operating within their business breaching the rules of conduct. The inspections took place in the Sydney metropolitan area and in regional centres in NSW. For assistance with your obligations, read the information for agents: Underquoting guidelines for residential property on the Fair Trading website.
Check out the new rules regarding Rental Bonds.
NSW Fair Trading
Check out the new Strata Regulations.