Dr Stephen Bradford
Stephen is a highly experienced and practised Hobart obstetrician, gynaecologist, and fertility specialist. Stephen is a highly experienced and practised obstetrician, gynaecologist, and fertility specialist with a passion for supporting his female patients at every stage including prior to, during, and after pregnancy.
Stephen’s obstetrics office is based within Calvary Hospital at Hobart OBGYN but delivers at both Hobart Private and Calvary Hospital.
He is also part of the team at TAS IVF, located at St Helen’s Private Hospital in the Hobart CBD.
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facebook.comFertility Factors - Weight
Fertility factor number seven "Weight". Eating a health diet and maintaining a health weight prior to attempting to conceive can help increase your chances of conceiving. For any fertility concerns or questions please give me a call at TasIVF on 6165 1602 to arrange an appointment for a chat.
Fertility Factors - Smoking
Fertility factor number five "Smoking". Smoking can affect both male and female fertility including passive smoking. Giving up smoking prior to trying to conceive is recommended to protect no only your baby if you are successful in conceiving, but also increases your chances of becoming pregnant.
Fertility Factors - Alcohol
Fertility factor number four "Alcohol". The National Medical and Health research centre recommends a zero alcohol consumption for women when you are trying to conceive.
Fertility Factors - Age
Fertility Factor number two "Age". Age is a major factor in fertility for both men and women. A women's fertility starts to reduce around the age of 35 and men around 45.
Fertility Factors - Timing
Fertility is affected by many factors. YourFertility.org.au have created a great series of light hearted videos on 6 of the factors that can affect your fertility. Stay tuned as we share these great videos over the next few days. Fertility Factor number one is "Timing". There are only really 3 fertile days per cycle where you can get pregnant, so knowing your cycle and knowing your body is important to increase the possibility of falling pregnant.
What are the alternatives to IVF? | IVF & Fertility Blog Australia
There are many different causes of infertility and not all infertility causes are solved by IVF. There are other alternatives to IVF that may be better suited to your symptoms. This informative article details some of the IVF alternatives. If you would like to discuss your fertility options please give my office at TasIVF a call on 03 6165 1602 to arrange an appointment.
Cancer Screening - Future changes to cervical screening
Have you heard about the new cervical screening guidelines that will come in to effect in May 2017? Some good news is that if you are due to have your next papsmear after May 2017 you will go on to the new screening system and will only require a pap smear every five years. You can read more about the new testing process in the attached link. If you have any questions, please speak your GP or mention it at your next appointment.
RANZCOG WEBSITE - Is paracetamol safe to use during pregnancy?
Is paracetamol safe in pregnancy? There has been some recent media regarding the use of paracetamol during pregnancy causing behavioural problems in children. "The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) President Professor Michael Permezel confirms this saying, “There is a significant body of evidence to support the safe use of paracetamol during pregnancy and a causal association of paracetamol and behavioural problems in the offspring is yet to be established. In fact, there are other possible explanations for the observation which some clinicians believe to be more likely. Women should therefore not be alarmed by these findings but nevertheless be aware of a possible association”. - RANZCOG Website
White Ribbon - Australia's Campaign to Prevent Men's Violence Against Women
Support White Ribbon Day and raise awareness against violence against women. There are many ways you can show your support with activities across Tasmania, check out what's on here: http://www.whiteribbon.org.au/events-and-fundraising?state=TAS and get involved in an activity in your area or show your support by sharing this post.
Infertility in women
Many women experience trouble becoming pregnant or maintaining a pregnancy, there are many common causes of Infertility that can affect every woman differently. Thankfully there are options to overcome most infertility causes. If you are having trouble falling pregnant and would like to speak to someone about your fertility treatment options in a safe and caring environment, please give my offices a call on 03 6165 1602
Timeline Photos
Know the signs, seek help early and help raise awareness for Perinatal Depression and Anxiety. If you or someone you know is feeling overwhelmed or struggling, seek help early by speaking to someone. You can call the PANDA National Helpline on 1300 726 306.
Movember Australia
It's Movember, the month where men everywhere don the facial hair and women cringe. What's the style in your house? If Mo's are not your thing, you can support Movember by 'Moving for Men's Health'