Lambton 357 (New) Fire Station is Newcastle's newest fire station. A 3 Pumper station provides coverage for Lambton, New Lambton and surrounding suburbs
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facebook.comPhotos from Lambton Fire Rescue NSW's post
Drill today...357 alpha..357 Charlie..462ap...duty commander ..relay pumping into 462 ap....very interesting and great working relationship between permanent and retained.....thanks to all involved
Pumper and Monitor training.
Whilst the Alpha pump is away 357 has a STP (Strike team pumper) as an exchange truck. B platoon took advantage of the cooler weather to familiarise with pumping operations with the roof monitor and a ground monitor. Aerial Pumper 462 (Mayfield West) joined in later for some training too.
Timeline Photos
It's been a very busy period for our crews and most of the hunters FRNSW and RFS crews. From major structure fires, raging bush fires to Fire-ED for pre schoolers. Do you have any photos of local crews at work? We would love to see them.
Active incident: 2nd Alarm building fire Maitland Rd Mayfield East. Building completely gutter by fire. Maitland Rd closed approx 30 fire fighters on scene.
Our new super fire station
Fire and Rescue NSW
Cleary Street House Fire
7:50am 3/11/2016 - Alpha / Bravo called to house fire on Cleary St Hamilton. House was severely damaged by fire, smoke and heat. Crews tool about 2 hours to clear the house of heat and smoke before handing the site over to police. It appears the fire had been smouldering for sometime before taking hold. No smoke alarms were present to alert neighbours. It is NSW legislation that all homes have at least 1 operational smoke alarm per level.
Museum of Fire
Photos from Lambton Fire Rescue NSW's post
Active Incident: Crews on scene at a house fire in Cleary St Hamilton. Fire has destroyed 2 rooms with heavy smoke and heat damage to the rest of the house. More to follow. Lambton Fire Rescue NSW #hamiltonhousefire
Museum of Fire
CFU Training
357 Lambton Crews under take training with a local Atherton Close CFU (Community Fire Unit) on Sat 29/10/16. CFU's are a local resident driven program and a vital part of fire protection during bushfires in urban areas, and regular training with our crew helps keep the members skills up to date.
NBN Television
Just after 10am this morning Lambton Fire Rescue NSW Alpha and Bravo were called to a house fire in Fourth Street Adamstown. Moments after leaving the station, large volumes of smoke where noticed in the reported area, and a second Alarm was called. Crews from 260 Newcastle, 376 Merewether, 255 Charlestown and Newcastle Duty Commander were assigned to the incident. On arrival crews determined a detached garage / workshop was fully involved in fire and was already threatening the house and neighbouring properties Quick actions from the crews knocked down the fire & prevented the fire from spreading to the house. No-one was injured but the garage was completely destroyed with roof collapse as well as the rear of the house was heavily damaged. It took 9 Fire Trucks and approx 30 fire fighters to fully extinguish the fire due to the heat and contents of the garage. Due to the damage, the cause of the fire was undetermined and the property returned to the owner. This is a timely reminder to keep your smoke alarms batteries checked and operational. #smokealarmssavelives Fire and Rescue NSW Newcastle Herald NBN Television