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Simone Hollier Nutritionist/Medical Herbalist

The Family Health and Wellness Centre, 10 Bradford Close, Kotara, Australia
Medical & Health



Personalised treatments using herbal and nutritional medicine alongside practical diet and lifestyle guidance.


What You Need to Know About Nutella

Too many people are feeding their children this thinking that it is a natural and healthy option to spread on toast or sandwiches. This article helps to shed some light on what it actually is.....sweet, toxic sludge!!

The Sugar Cancer Connection Doctors Aren't Telling You

Some good reasons to keep this 'white poison' out of your diet as much as possible!

The Amazing Cancer-Fighting Benefits of Curcumin

Tumeric has become one of the most researched anti-cancer nutrients of today. Curcumin, the primary healing compound in tumeric, has demonstrated clear anti-cancer effects in many published studies and clinical trials. However, due to its low absorption rate in the body it can be hard to get the therapeutic amount required to be of benefit. So unless you are a happy 24/7 curry muncher, sourcing a good quality and highly concentrated tumeric supplement may be a better option.

Stop Using Canola Oil Immediately - Dr Axe

Some very good reasons not to use canola oil and substitute with healthier options such as coconut oil, olive oil or ghee. Remember coconut oil and ghee have a high smoke point (meaning it can be heated to a high temperature before it will do damage both on the cook-top or in the body!!) whilst olive oil doesn't and is best used for salads and other cold dishes.

Mojo Health

Over the next couple of months I will be facilitating a number of interactive group discussions aimed at both educating people on the benefits of complementary medicine for cancer whilst providing an opportunity to make connections with other cancer warriors and share personal stories and experiences. Please share with anyone you feel may benefit from these sessions. Phone Mojo Health on 40235320 or go to our website: for more info.

Mojo Health

Benefits of Lemon Water: Detox Your Body and Skin - Dr. Axe

This is something I recommend everyone do to start their day! Not only is it cleansing and rejuvenating for the skin and body, it can help improve digestive function and increase immunity and energy levels.

An expert explains... 7 ways quitting sugar helps hormones

How does a regular, happy, pain free menstrual cycle sound? Quitting sugar may be one way to find out. Check out how eliminating this sweet poison from your diet may help to bring some balance back to your hormones.

Why Sunlight Deficiency Is As Deadly As Smoking

Mother nature is certainly dishing up perfect conditions at the moment to get outdoors and get your daily dose of sunshine to improve immune function, cardiovascular health and cellular energy!!

Food is Medicine

What a delicious way to start the week!!

Simone Hollier Nutritionist/Medical Herbalist

Simone Hollier Nutritionist/Medical Herbalist

Timeline Photos

Something to think about next time you are cruising the shopping aisles.........

Timeline Photos

Photos from Simone Hollier Nutritionist/Medical Herbalist's post

How do you view food? Do you see it as something to fill the hole that gurgles and groans when it is empty? Is it something to reward or treat yourself with? Or do you see food as fuel for the body that enables it to perform at an optimal level, maintain good health and combat chronic disease and illnesses? Our bodies are like cars……they need the right fuel to perform, they need to move regularly, and they need regular maintenance. Without these things our bodies, like cars, will become run down, develop chronic problems and lack energy and performance. The big difference is that you can buy a new car, but you only get one body! Good health comes from putting the right fuel into your body so that your internal engine runs smoothly. Would you fill your beloved car with dirt and rubbish? So why is it that so many people fill their bodies with processed foods, sugars and trans fats? Whatever you fill your body with influences the way that you feel one way or another so why not choose nutritious foods - fresh fruit and vegetables, wholegrains, nuts, seeds, legumes and quality animal protein - that will increase your energy levels, build strong defences against chronic disease and illness, and provide optimal health for both mind and body!! If you’d like to learn more about what foods will best fuel your body and individual needs to achieve your healthiest possible life, contact me at

Photos from Simone Hollier Nutritionist/Medical Herbalist's post
