Van Diemen Archers is an archery club open to all, the Shooting field located 5 min south of Hobart. Shoot time is from 12pm on Saturdays. Previously known as Taroona Archers, Located at the Lea Scout camp on the sports field at the top of Gilwell Drive.
Members shoot on Saturdays from 12:00 pm, a twilight series after 5:00 pm on Thursday evenings is also available to members.
Beginners courses every Saturday from 10am
Club equipment can be used or bring your own.
All ages welcome and training can be provided to those new to the sport.
Non members who have completed the beginners course or show proficiency may shoot with the members after 12:00 pm on Saturdays as well as at beginners times.
Tell your friends
facebook.comThere will be no beginners session tomorrow or next Saturday the 31st due to the approaching Xmas and New Year festivities. Beginners will recommence on January 7th. We hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas and New Year. - VDA
Photos from Van Diemen Archers's post
VDA End of year shoot. Today we had our first ever presentation of the club trophy for the most outstanding club member and most outstanding Archer. This year outstanding club member award went to Rob Lane for his continued ongoing support for the club, Thanks for all your hard work and commitment Rob we really appreciate it. Our most outstanding Archer this year went to Chris Kenny, not only for his fantastic scores when there is tough competition, but also for Travelling the state and being a great rep for our club. Cheers guys. This afternoon we had a few fun shoots before the rain kicked in, this included loaded balloons, 'loaded' flour explosive bottles and a flu-flu shoot. Thanks everyone for a great year at Van Diemen Archers!!
Hey guys, The VDA beginners course will commence this Sat the 17th of December. Please be there between 10.00 to 10.15 for registration and equipment issue. Participants under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Coaches for the morning will be Patrick, Hugh, Jon and Abi.
Photos from Van Diemen Archers's post
Hey guys, The VDA beginners course will commence this Sat the 10th of December. Please be there between 10.00 to 10.15 for registration and equipment issue. Participants under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Coaches for the morning will be Alice, Peter, Sam, John.
Timeline Photos
Photos from Van Diemen Archers's post
The efforts at last weekend's working bee!
Hey guys, The VDA beginners course will commence this Sat the 19th of November Please be there between 10.00 to 10.15 for registration and equipment issue. Participants under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Coaches for the morning will be Brendan, Chris and Scotty. Members see Members only page for working bee updates and times.
Timeline Photos
Luttrell/Clark Memorial (2016)
Burnie Bowmen Archery Club Inc
NO BEGINNERS Saturday the 21st of Oct. Members only shooting time is between 12pm and 3pm.
Photos from Van Diemen Archers's post
Chilled out day of practice for next weekend, bit of surveying of the field course thanks to Simon, bit of learning to drive and to top it off the youth committee set our lunch on fire.