Sonia Tzerefos - For a Better You
Adelaide Naturopath specialising in children's health, Autism, ADD, ADHD, immune issues, anxiety in teens, recurrent illness and general health. Available at two locations, Kensington Park and Belair.
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facebook.comAutism and watching Rain Man | Sonia Tzerefos
It was only a matter of time.. I had to watch Rain Man... I haven't seen it since it first came out in 1988 and boy has the meaning of the movie now changed.
I'm working here on Wednesdays, it's a fabulous integrative health centre with a great bunch of practitioners if you want to have a try here's $10 off your first treatment.
The GAPS Diet long term | Sonia Tzerefos
Over 12 months on here's where we're at with the GAPS Diet. #GAPSdiet, #fullgapsdiet, #autismgapsdiet, #autism
Timeline Photos
I felt like something hearty for breakfast that resembled a burger but wasn’t a burger so here it is… The ultimate easy, power, Paleo and GAPS friendly breakfast… I start with fresh organic ingredients - baby spinach, avocado, tomato, my homemade mayonnaise, eggs from my mums chickens and a gorgeous home made smoky tomato sauce from my sister-in-law. Layer the avocado then tomato on top, spread a bit of the mayo and sauce then scramble the eggs, throw them on top and add the baby spinach at the end. Bon apetite.. #paleobreakfast, #paleodiet, #gapsdiet, #gapsbreakfast, #breakfastburger, #wholefood, #organicbreakfast, #easyhealthybreakfastideas, #kidsbreakfast, #fullgapsdiet
Autism – When everything isn’t enough | Sonia Tzerefos
I'm hoping this is an end of term thing and a bit of rest and relaxation will restore harmony to the home.. Happy school holidays. #schoolholidays , #raisingkids
Autism and Sex in the City | Sonia Tzerefos
I've seen this movie so many times but watching it the other night I saw it in a whole different way.
Timeline Photos
Here's a hump day funny to get you through the rest of the week.
Slippery Elm Powder – Magic Dust | Sonia Tzerefos
Digestive issues can be quite uncomfortable and painful and for some people can have quite a negative effect on their body and life. Slippery Elm is a little favourite of mine and works wonders so give it a try, you'll be very happy with the results. #slipperyelmpowder, #digestiveissues, #hiatushernia, #indigestion, #heartburn, #ulcerativecolitis, #crohns, #crohnsdisease
Dan Aykroyd Talks About his Asperger's Diagnosis
It occurred to me today.. for no real reason, that often when I tell people Zac has Autism they do that little head tilt to the side, nod it slightly up and down and give me that... I'm so sorry look.. Well.. before you do that maybe consider this.. Dan Akroyd is one of the great actors of all time and guess what... he has Aspergers (or high functioning Autism as we call it now)... He has similar traits to Zac with his obsession of law enforcement / rules and ghosts (although Zac's obsession with ghosts is relatively new)... So next time you tell someone your child has Autism and they give you that look don't worry about a thing... who knows where these kids are going!!! #danakroyd, #aspergers, #autism
Autism – The Unsung Hero | Sonia Tzerefos
A story I should've told a long time ago... we have been blessed with to uniquely different story but it was time someone received the true recognition they deserve.
Possibly my most favourite thing of all time when I was growing up. This is a Greek Rice Custard dish or Rizogalo in greek which means rice with milk. It makes an awesome breakfast option for adults and kids alike and it tastes AMAZING!!! #ricecustard, #rizogalo, #greekricecustard, #greekdessert, #breakfast, #kidssnack
Probiotics for Childhood Ear Infections
If your child has recurrent infections be they ears, tonsillitis, colds, runny noses, it's going to be linked to their digestive health. The good news is you can do something about it.. I've worked with a heap of children in this situation and the great thing about kids is they heal quickly and always get great results. If you want to know more about how I might be able to help you call 0432 922 919 or email me on Mention you saw this on Facebook and I'll give you $20.00 off your first consultation. #leakygut, #earinfections, #tonisillitis, #kidshealth, #probiotics