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Adelaide GAPS Practitioner

320 Magill Road, Kensington Park, Australia
Medical & Health



Leaky Gut contributes to a plethora of issues and will continue to do so.  The GAPS Diet can heal the gut and allow you to get on with a healthy life. Why is Autism becoming the new buzz word? Why do so many kids suffer from anxiety, ADD/ADHD, Eczema, Asthma, allergies, Dyslexia and digestive issues.  Why are more and more adults suffering from Auto-Immune diseases, Diabetes, Migraines, digestive problems, allergies, skin conditions and many more..  It's due to Leaky Gut, something as Naturopaths we've known for years.  The only way to increase quality of life is to heal the gut and get your gut bacteria back into balance. So don't wait any longer, take back control and take back your health.


Autism and watching Rain Man | Sonia Tzerefos

This movie takes on a whole new meaning once you have a child or someone in the family with Autism.. watch it again, you'll see it in a whole different way.

The GAPS Diet long term | Sonia Tzerefos

12 months on and this is where we've landed with the GAPS Diet. #autism, #autismgapsdiet, #fullgapsdiet, #gapsdiet

Timeline Photos

I felt like something hearty for breakfast that resembled a burger but wasn’t a burger so here it is… The ultimate easy, power, Paleo and GAPS friendly breakfast… I start with fresh organic ingredients - baby spinach, avocado, tomato, my homemade mayonnaise, eggs from my mums chickens and a gorgeous home made smoky tomato sauce from my sister-in-law. Layer the avocado then tomato on top, spread a bit of the mayo and sauce then scramble the eggs, throw them on top and add the baby spinach at the end. Bon apetite.. #paleobreakfast, #paleodiet, #gapsdiet, #gapsbreakfast, #breakfastburger, #wholefood, #organicbreakfast, #easyhealthybreakfastideas, #kidsbreakfast, #fullgapsdiet

Timeline Photos

Autism – When everything isn’t enough | Sonia Tzerefos

I'm hoping this is an end of term thing and a bit of rest and relaxation will restore harmony to the home.. Happy school holidays. #schoolholidays , #raisingkids

Autism and Sex in the City | Sonia Tzerefos

I've seen this movie so many times but watching it the other night I saw it in a whole different way.

About GAPS | Sonia Tzerefos

If you're wanting to learn more about the GAPS Diet then here's a bit of an introduction for you.

Just finished making some very delicious Almond and Honey Cookies.. They're full GAPS friendly and make a great after school snack for the kids. #cookies, #kidssnacks, #gapsfriendly, #glutenfreesnack, #honeycookies, #yummysnack

Autism – The Unsung Hero | Sonia Tzerefos

A story I should've told a long time ago... we have been blessed with to uniquely different story but it was time someone received the true recognition they deserve.

Tired of washing powders that are either full of chemicals or cost a fortune because they don't.. then here's my quick and easy washing powder recipe. Triple the recipe and you'll have enough washing powder for months at less than $10. #washingpowder, #homemade, #cheapwashingpowder, #sensitiveskin, #nochemicals

Well all I can say is YUMMY!!! This base has proven to be so versatile and tasty which was great once we hit full GAPS as it really provided some texture and different types of food to our diet. Top it with butter, garlic and parsley for your very own garlic bread or put your favourite toppings for a healthy pizza. Whatever you choose you won't go wrong with this. Oh and the best thing has been the kids take it for lunch and eat it cold.. woo hoo!! #cauliflowerpizzabase, #GAPSFullDietPizza, #GAPSfriendlypizza, #paleopizza, #kidshealthydinner, #kidslunchboxtreat

Wow... I had thought the pancakes were popular.. you should've seen what happened when I made the nut bread. For this recipe I made a basic nut bread without much in the way of flavour then I turned one savoury (a bit of a pizza flavour twist) and one sweet (more banana style).. Gotta say, very popular and even better, easy to make. #GAPSnutbread, #paleobread, #nutbread, #sweetsavourtynutbread, #glutenfreebread, #kidsglutenfreesnack

I really can't explain how exciting it was when we finally made it to stage 3 of the Introduction GAPS Diet and the kids could have pancakes.. You could actually hear angels singing in the kitchen when I told them that was what was on the menu for snack when they got home from school. Check out this easy, grain free and absolutely delicious pancake option.. you don't have to be doing GAPS to do it. #GAPSpancakes, #grainfreepancakes, #paleopancakes, #yummykidssnack, #glutenfreepancakes


NEAR Adelaide GAPS Practitioner