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facebook.comAll of our beautiful dreaded clients, I am sorry to say we are booked out now until 25th March 😔 thankyou for all your support and we will see you on the flip side as Mr and Mrs Davis! 👋🏼
New Dreads
Check out Krystal's awesome new dreadlocks! 😍👩🏼🎤🕺🏼
Timeline Photos
Forgot the before photo as usual 🙈 But the after is the main thing right?! Wayne's dreads looking nice and tidy now 🤙🏼
To all our legendary dreadheads, Tink and I will be away from 16th Feb til 16th March cos we are getting married! Woop! So if you are needing maintenance then book in for an appt in the next 3 weeks or we can look after you when we get back ✌🏼🌈😎 peace and love homies ☮️❤️
Timeline Photos
Holy dreadlocks! Guess how many dreads Jordan has? 240!!! That's gotta be a record I reckon 😋
Sunshyne Dreadlocks
New Dreads
Phew! What a day! Yesterday the lovely Chloe had a total transformation with a full head of brand new dreads with extensions and I have to say they look great! Safe travels today Chloe and Sheralee x
Comparison before and afters
Spent the arvo tidying the man Gav's dreads and was even spoilt with his beautiful wife's amazing Balinese cooking! Yumo! These guys are legends 🤙🏼🍲
Timeline Photos
Forgot to get Eryn's before photo but the after is the main thing 😆
Comparison before and afters
Timeline Photos
Nice to meet you Craig, your dreads look sick! 🙂👑
Client before and afters
Thanks for coming to see us today Keran! All the way from Pannawonica 🤗