Body Link Health Clinic
Body Link Health Clinic is an exercise physiology clinic specialising in exercise prescription for health, high performance and chronic disease management
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Great point by Justin Lang at Live Athletic in NSW. Controlled progression without aggravating symptoms of any diagnosed conditions is fine, and essential to performance and injury management. Youth athletes that are still physically developing often have conditions that cause pain/discomfort during sport. Tailored, evidence-based and progressive exercise prescription is THE BEST method for addressing this.
Tailored Health
Ben Taylor raising awareness for exercise physiologists, good stuff brother. If you need to get moving, but don't know how, find out who your local exercise physiologist is. If that is Body Link Health Clinic, give us a call!
Exercise Right
An important message for anyone seeking out help with their health and exercise goals.
Trust me, I'm a Physiotherapist
For anyone who has heard of chronic pain as a diagnosis, but doesn't quite understand what that means. A great video summarising what is happening in the body to cause ongoing pain, even when everything causing the pain should have healed up.
Rory Banwell
Long caption, but worth reading. Michelle Bridges is a growing problem, and is symbolic of so many things wrong with the fitness industry. Being good with social media, marketing or falling on your feet with a lucky TV gig should not justify any position in the industry that can be abused by providing dangerous health advice, or ignoring the intricacies of each client's unique conditions. CONSTANTLY she says non-evidence-based, blatantly incorrect things about chronic disease or exercise advice. Instead of looking at her and thinking "that's how healthy I aspire to be", people should be looking at her and thinking "wow, I should really be seeking some more professional advice". The industry should be regulated to require AT LEAST one tertiary degree, and not a six week course.
Tech Insider
Super interesting new way to mend ACL tears. Curious to see how the recovery time would compare.
Qantas Wallabies
Many people have seen Dylan Shiels from GWS doing this, but this one is even more impressive. Extremely impressive hamstring strength.
Runner's World
Incredible optimism and dedication to his sport to still be running as he closes in on triple figures
Integrative Medicine: What if Your Doctor Prescribed Actions?
Health education. Taking a long list of pills is not the sole means of improving your health. Simple, healthy habits and behaviours can fix a lot of problems long term.
I fucking love science
Really important but so easily ignored. Exercise is vital for retaining your mental and physical conditioning! Get started now!
Chasing My Ideal Weight: Part 5 | Body Link Health Clinic
Part 5. Keep it simple. While change can fluctuate in the short-term, your actions will shape the long-term trend. Keep your direction simple, and any fluctuations in your week-to-week actions will even out.
Chasing My Ideal Weight: Part 4 | Body Link Health Clinic
Part 4 of the weight loss series. Difficult week this week, but progress continues, and I feel better in myself, and in my body. This is also (finally), the post with the tool I use as a food record. There is an example included to give you an idea of how to use it. It is to date one of the best tools for recording all that I needed or wanted to know about my weight management and the areas I could improve my nutrition. I could still improve, but I only wish I had put this together when I lost >20kg, because it would have made it easier. And if it is all written down in front of you, it keeps you accountable. Please like, share, or link if you think this may be useful to anyone you know.