Innisfail Probus Club boasts a membership of 94 retired/semi retired residents of Innisfail region providing an avenue for fun friendship and fellowship.
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Photos from Probus Club of Innisfail Inc.'s post
Our March General Meeting was held on 23rd March 2017 with 56 Members and 11 guests in attendance. As one of her last duties as President, Judi had the pleasure of inducting two new members into the Club. After the usual tasty 'smoko' we then proceeded with our Annual General Meeting and said Goodbye to ex-president Judi and Welcome to her husband and incoming president Richard. Most members of the old Committee, including Judi, have been re-elected with some in new or dual roles. A special welcome to our new lady Vice President Josie Vecchio. We have a strong and energetic team to lead our 86 strong Club through the coming twelve months and we have already mapped out an interesting and exciting program of events in which to foster the Probus values of fun, friendship and fellowship. Keep the Club strong and be actively involved - the rewards are great and the Club will prosper!
Photos from Probus Club of Innisfail Inc.'s post
Our November General Meeting was well attended with a total of 69 members in attendance plus 3 guests. We inducted one new member this month and have another induction lined up for our next meeting in January 2017. For the moment though, we are in recess for the month of December so that we can all concentrate on getting ready for Christmas. Our guest speaker for November was well known local identity Jim Arnell whose subject was the history of the St Vincent de Paul Society with it’s origins in France, it’s introduction into Innisfail in the early 30’s, and it’s role in present day society which ranged from operating the popular St. Vinnie’s shops to supporting the sick, poor and needy, refugee re-settlement, emergency relief and the Mini-Vinnie school groups. December 1st was our Christmas lunch at Kurrimine Beach Motel with an excellent turnout of 80 members and guests. Congratulations to Lew and Mari for organising such a great event including great entertainment. Pleasing to see everyone getting into the Christmas Spirit and dressing for the occasion.
Photos from Probus Club of Innisfail Inc.'s post
Great day trip to Cairns Botanical Gardens. Perfect weather, perfect company and perfect location. Check out these ladies enjoying a coffee break at the gardens' cafe. Dunwoody's provided a great lunch before we rounded off the day with a visit to St Monica's Cathedral to enjoy the magnificent windows depicting the story of the Creation.
This month we inducted two new members into the Club bringing our total membership up to 89. We shall be inducting another new member next month and have two potential new members showing a lot of interest in our Club. We're just going from strength to strength and is very pleasing to see that Innisfail's retirees are motivated to gather together socially for fun, friendship and fellowship. We have a day trip organised for Tuesday 8th November when we visit Cairns Botanical Gardens, Tanks Art Centre, Dunwoody's for lunch and a surprise destination for the afternoon. Lots of interest from our members and looks like a full busload for this trip! Xmas lunch is all organised for 1st December - always lots of fun for our members then we go into recess until our January meeting on Thursday 19th.
Photos from Probus Club of Innisfail Inc.'s post
Celebration of 40 years of Probus in Australia
Innisfail Probus Club will hold a 'Fun Gathering' to celebrate the 40th Year of Probus in Australia. We welcome our sister clubs of Mission Beach/El Arish and Cardwell to join us.