Fertility First
We are unique, highly personal and provide personalised, world class fertility care. Fertility First specialises in fertility care for men and women, providing professional advice, assessment and treatment, coupled with leading-edge assisted reproductive technologies.
Lifestyle programs and natural therapies are offered in addition to medical interventions, to maximise the chance of pregnancy while minimising the treatment required. We pride ourselves on tailoring programs to your individual needs, respecting privacy and time constraints so that you feel as comfortable as possible.
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Fertility First offers Oocyte Donation (DOP). This is a treatment for women who are no longer producing their own eggs, or who have a significant egg problem such that the embryos are unlikely to result in a pregnancy. It involves a donor, who is usually known to the recipient, going through an IVF treatment cycle. The donor’s eggs are fertilised with sperm from the recipient’s partner and the embryos are transferred into the uterus of the recipient. Image: Pinterest
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We hope everyone is taking some time out today to relax. Have a lovely Boxing Day, from the Fertility First team.
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We are so overwhelmed with all the lovely Christmas cards we have received at Fertility First. Merry Xmas to everyone and let's all hope for a very successful 2017 for those trying to fall pregnant.
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Fertility First offers lifestyle programs and natural therapies in addition to medical interventions, to maximise the chance of pregnancy while minimising the treatment required. Image: Pinterest
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If you have not had a PAP smear in the past two years then this is crucial and should be arranged through your local doctor, gynaecologist or Family Planning. Image: Huffington Post UK
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Fertility First offers counseling services. Fertility First offers a comprehensive range of medical, scientific and counselling services. Our professional team is here to lend a helping hand. Image: Pinterest
Moderate exercise improves sperm quality and quantity - IVF News
According to new research, moderate exercise improves sperm quality and quantity. Previous research showed that some types of exercise, such as long distance running, can have a negative effect on sperm, but this study suggests that moderate exercise three times a week improves sperm quality.
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Having a good sense of humour is vital for your well-being and your relationship throughout this process. We've seen increasing evidence of the value of laughter in maintaining and improving health.
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Only half of fertility issues are related to the woman and half to the male. Occasionally a reason is not identified at first thorough testing, as happens at Fertility First, means that a fertility factor that can be treated is not identified in only a small percentage of couples.
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Eat good, feel good. It's quite simple but sometimes we need to be reminded.
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Did you know that at the very moment of fertilisation, the babies sex and other genetic profile is already determined?
Lack of vitamin D during pregnancy linked to autism: study
Step outside and get some SUN. Women who have a lack of Vitamin D while pregnant are more likely to have a child with autism, a study has found. As you may or may not know, Fertility First has been screening, and treating if necessary, all women prior to starting any other treatment at Fertility First for this and other health reasons that can affect the potential child.