This page is dating local basketball referees of scheduled games ad updates with changes of the rosters.
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facebook.comGood morning referees, I'm still looking for 2 striped referees to help out the Murtoa Basketball Association with their men's and women's games tonight. If you are available please contact me ASAP
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Good Afternoon All, As we are approaching the 2016 summer competition I am looking to try to entice some more adult referees either back into or into refereeing for the first time. If you know of anyone that might be interested or if some of the parents on this page are interested in helping out, p\lease let me know. Regards, Guy
Just a quick note to everyone, the level zero course next Sunday July 10 is not just for kids. It's open to everyone. It would be good to get some more adults involved in refereeing. Any questions, let me know. Guy
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Referee's Level Zero (Green Shirt) Course Coming Up Please contact Guy Directly for Registrations
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Please let me know if you would like to attend this day. Very good to just have it under the belt and have a better understanding of the game and the way referees call the game.