Our mission is to provide comprehensive eye health assessments and personalised vision solutions whilst building long-standing and trusting relationships. We offer the following services:
Comprehensive eye health assessments including checks for:
- macular disease
- glaucoma
- colour blindness
- cataract
- eye co-ordination
- other ocular disease
Contact lens examination:
- daily wear
- hard/gas permeable
- astigmatic
- disposable
- vision in sport
As well as;
Children and infants vision care
Vision therapy/eye exercises
Low vision and low vision aids
Prescriptions written and filled
Computerised field of vision measurements
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facebook.comWishing all of our wonderful clients and friends a very Merry Christmas and a brilliant 2018! We look forward to “seeing” you all soon!! 🤓🎅🏼
Keep this in mind next time you reach for a tissue: It’s almost impossible to sneeze with your eyes open! This is because the nose and eyes are linked by cranial nerves, causing the nerves in the eyelids to blink whenever a sneeze occurs. Try to keep them open next time you feel a sneeze coming!
These two are ready for the beach! So cute! Are you going to the beach these holidays? Tell us about your holiday plans in the comments!
Does anyone struggle reading small text on your phone? It could cause you eye strain. Try changing your phone settings to increase the font size for easier reading. Always try to take a break every now and then from looking at screens to give your eyes a rest!
Perspective: Some incredible street art made by Julian Beever, when viewed from a certain angle, it produces a stunning 3D illusion like you see here! "Share" this with your friends if it blew your mind!
Gentlemen, this offer's for you! 2 pairs means you can pick up a pair for indoors and another pair of prescription sunnies, or sports eyewear. Perfect for those who are eligible to redeem their health fund benefits. Call us to enquire today.
Eyes are everywhere! We found some unusual stories that we thought could stump you so here is our first one: Peacock feathers have "eyes". Does anyone know the story from Greek mythology (without Googling it 😄) We'll post the answer in the comments if no one gets it!
Pets in Specs! How cute is this little guy? Curious, do you have a cat, dog or another pet at home? Use the Like buttons to let us know: 👍 Like for Cat, ❤️Love for Dog, Laugh 😄 for anything else!
We have put together a very beneficial offer this year, great for patients who are eligible to redeem their health fund benefits, or anyone ready for a new look! Call us to enquire today. Treat yourself to an eyewear make-over this summer.
We see some wonderful things in the field of Optometry. We're going to dedicate some of our time to sharing it here...
If your child has never had an eye test, please book them in to see one of our optometrists. Take advantage of the school holidays to get it done.