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Tarot with Wolf-Arrow Rain

Lenah Valley, Hobart, Australia
Professional Service



I am Wolf-Arrow Rain and I have been reading tarot for 24 years. I am claircognitive, clairvoyant and  empathic. Call 0405635161 for a private reading  I have 24 years experience and use a combination of runes, two tarot decks, clairvoyance and claircognizance to help unravel your hidden pathways. Tarot is a tool for connecting with the Self on a deeper subconscious level through the use of symbolism and ancient wisdom.


First day back online with The Circle Psychic Line in about 6 weeks. I'm open for online readings daily through those guys or private afternoon sessions on a more personal basis for 30 mins to one hour. Message me if your interested in having a private session. I also do group sessions, fares, expos and parties. Peace 🤗😇❤

Hi everyone. I'm free for readings over most of this week. Would you like to book in? I can do face to face or video chat. If you don't like screens I can also read over the phone. Shoot me a message ❤

Fortune Teller's Faire

I'm proud to be reading at this afire tomorrow boys and girls. Come along!. Itwill be amazing

Fortune Teller's Faire

Hey folks. I'm reading at the Psychic Expo in Launceston. I had the opportunity to read one of journalists for WIN television today and was featured on the 6 o'clock news :) Why not pop in for a reading tomorrow at the Grand Chancellor Hotel in Launceston

Hi everyone. I'm doing readings at Balfour House on the main Street of Cygnet right now and tomorrow from 11am onwards. Come and say hi x

The Psychic Expo is back in town and I will be reading for tomorrow only before I perform at Cygnet Folk Fest. Come and have your fortune told by me or one of my colleagues at The Best Western Hotel on Bathurst Street in Hobart. There is plenty of magic to go around. Xxx

Hi everyone. I have been working as an international psychic with The Circle in the UK for the last 5 months and am already featured as one of their most popular readers. I have excellent ratings. If you are in a time of crisis or a crossroad in your life booking a psychic reading can really help you cut through to the heart of what may be blocking you from moving forward. I also work privately from my home in Hobart. You can book a private reading by messaging me here on my page. #psychic

Hey folks. I'm free for readings most afternoons this week. Message me for a booking. The first five people to do so get a 10% discount :)

Fortune-tellers & politics in Thailand

Thai politicians consult astrologers and psychics

Timeline Photos

Yes folks... A Christian Tarot deck exists. Super cool given the fact that the 'casting of lots' was spoken of a lot in the Bible and Urim and Thumim are used in Judaism.

Timeline Photos

Photos from Tarot with Wolf-Arrow Rain's post

Lenormand cards are a deck of 36 cards with simple images (Rider, Clover, Bear, etc) with fairly concrete meanings. They are closer to playing cards and are a little different to Tarot symbols in the meanings and how they are used. They were inspired by a lady known in France as the most famous fortune teller of all time, Marie Lenormand. After Lenormand's death her name was used on several cartomancy decks including a deck of 36 illustrated cards known as the Petit Lenormand or simply Lenormand cards still used extensively today. The 36 card Lenormand deck is modelled on a deck of cards published c1799 as part of Das Spiel der Hoffnung (The Game of Hope), a game of chance designed by Johann Kaspar Hechtel

Photos from Tarot with Wolf-Arrow Rain's post

Hello friends. This week I am offering discounts to all my existing clients that can help me get some more bookings. If you get a friend to book a reading I will give you a voucher of $15 towards your next reading!!! I'm available all this week. Message me for an appointment on 0405635161


NEAR Tarot with Wolf-Arrow Rain