NEW Physiotherapy & Pilates Studio in Hillside Opened in January 2015, Dynamic Hillside/Caroline Springs is our Western branch of Dynamic Stability Physiotherapy & Pilates Studio, providing valuable services to the Western community. Along with our Richmond and Ripponlea studios, Dynamic Stability continues to deliver the highest quality of physiotherapy and clinical rehabilitation Pilates programs designed by experienced physiotherapists.
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Physio Research
10 myths about back pain and how to cope when it strikes
Workshop: Learn How To Run Again
Dynamic Stability Physiotherapy & Pilates Studio
Coming Soon to Melbourne - Dynamic Stability ..... watch this space running coaches and all running enthusiasts
Watergardens Town Centre
CF Racing
Photos from Dynamic Stability Physio & Pilates - Hillside's post
Day 1 of PMA 2016 Conference well underway. - Recieved some inspirational words of wisdom from a few Pilates Elders - Had some fantastic workshops - Found some new applications thru the Oov.
The Idealist
Timeline Photos
Reviewing the evidence!! Barefoot running vs. Minimalist footwear? Heel-Foot Striker vs Fore-foot Striker? Cadence vs Stride Length? 🤔