Chad Jensen - Mortgage Broker.
For more than 14 years providing the very best property and finance solutions to our highly valued clients.
Entrusting your financial decisions to the right professional is a big deal, and we take this seriously!
Whilst legislation requires your Mortgage Broker to provide a loan which is "Not Unsuitable", we settle for nothing less than the very best solution we can find within our 31 lenders and hundreds of loan options. The difference to your financial future can be HUGE, hence you should choose your advisor wisely.
For more than 14 years, we've worked almost exclusively with referrals from our satisfied customers, who are so impressed with our service they recommend us to their family, friends and colleagues.
We have no "Referral Agreements", so the income received from our lenders for assisting in arranging your finance requirements is not shared with a third party. This means we can afford to spend more time assisting you!
We don't measure our success by "Sales Volumes". In fact we're not sales people at all. If you have a relevant need or desire, we're here to help you achieve your goal. Your success is our sole focus and commitment.
If you're ready to take a step forward to achieve your financial or real estate goals and would like to be more than a number in a queue, we'd love to hear from you!
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facebook.comThe longest, coldest winter in some 30 years has seen Perth people awaken late from our usual hibernation, and with a greater appetite to complete the tasks we normally have well underway by now. As suspected the warm weather has bought a sudden upswing in activity, with many of our clients now pursuing the new home they've been thinking about over winter, commencing home improvements, and shopping for investments in WA's depressed housing market. If you're thinking of making your next move, your first step is to give us a call or send us an email so we can do the groundwork for you.
The Reserve Bank of Australia has decided to leave the cash rate unchanged at 1.50 per cent at their board meeting today. Today’s announcement was a familiar read, with the new RBA Governor Philip Lowe largely reiterating the Board’s view of all relevant factors presented last month. Relative stability was the key takeout, with consistency in statistics for inflation, employment and the financial markets. Concern over the looming residential apartment oversupply remains, with growth in rents being the slowest for several decades. This anomaly potentially creates an opportunity for the savvy investor, ready to capitalize on the subsequent buyers-market. Making prior preparations for finance is always a good move if you’re interested in acquiring an investment property. Please contact us for a review of your financial position to establish the most effective ways to prepare for your next purchase. Refinancing continues to be the hot topic, with refinances of older home loans regularly yielding our clients several thousand dollars in interest savings per year. We’re just an email or call away if you would like to see how much money we can save you!
Congratulations Western Australia, you're reproducing like no one else in the country! Whilst our interstate and international migration rates have fallen, we're a standout in natural population growth. This goes a long way to explain the new trend we've seen emerge in home upgrades. Young families outgrowing their home, and making the most of low property values and all time low interest rates to upgrade to a larger home. There are many ways of achieving this transition, from buying your new home and retaining your existing as a rental, to buying subject to the sale of your existing home. We're experts in assessing all options, and assisting to identify the most beneficial for your specific situation. Feel free to call or message any time.
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Thanks for the lovely card Doris. You're most welcome, it's been a pleasure working with you! "I cannot tell you how thankful I am for the amount of time and effort you've put into this (...) You've shown dedication and patience which I'm so grateful for! Thank you for your guidance and knowledge!" Doris
The Reserve Bank of Australia has decided to leave the cash rate unchanged at 1.50 per cent at their board meeting today. Sighting the May and August cash rate reductions as contributing factors in today’s decision, the Board is reasonably awaiting a response from the Australian economy prior to making any further adjustments. An improving unemployment rate has done little to change the Board's focus on stimulating the economy given part-time employment has been the driving factor, with full-time employment growth remaining subdued. Whilst the global economy has continued to grow, our Chinese neighbours have been experiencing moderating underlying growth despite the supportive actions of policy makers. Overall, recent forecasts from several respectable research bodies for a reduced Australian national cash rate over the coming year appear to be well within reason at this stage. The Board again made reference to the considerable supply of apartments scheduled to be completed over the next couple of years, particularly in east coast cities. Together with diminishing demand and tightening lender credit policies, this suggests there may well be downward pressure on this segment of the market. The positive news for WA is our exposure is deemed to be significantly less than that of the east coast, and uncertainty in the east coast property market has traditionally resulted in more interest in WA real estate. As has been the case for several months now, our lenders are competing aggressively for new home loans. This means big interest rate discounts and refinance incentives. Please contact me should you wish to investigate your options to refinance to a better deal.
Opportunities exist in any economic climate. The real winners at present are those taking advantage of strong competition in the mortgage lending market to secure a great interest rate. Leaving your old home, investment or business loan unattended for several years will almost certainly result in you paying more interest than necessary as lenders gradually increase rates for existing loans. Upgrading your home is another opportunity here in WA as the cool property market presents options which may have previously been out of reach. The key requirement being confidence in your employment and borrowing within your comfort zone as we move through this low period of our economic cycle.
Entrusting your financial decisions to the right professional is a big deal, and we take this seriously! We don't measure our success by "Sales Volumes". In fact we're not sales people at all. If you have a relevant need or desire, we're here to help you achieve your goal. Your success is our sole focus and commitment. If you're ready to take a step forward to achieve your financial or real estate goals and would like to be more than a number in a queue, we'd love to hear from you!