Helping women buy cars.
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Miss Auto
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My favourite lion: My King My Protector #holden #missauto #help #giving #sisterhood #cars #power
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My job is so rewarding and this is from an emotional front. Helping people connect with the right people and service is what I stand for. Congratulations to my clients and their 2 car purchase. May your new Mazdas bring you many moments of happiness 💁🏻🙏🚕
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The best feeling in the world is helping and knowing that what you do in life will truly make a difference. 💛👯💛 #sisterhood #power #buyingacar #miss_auto #magic #hero #differentworld #neededme #guide #change
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Guiding, advising, being here for sisters in need. #missauto understanding and ensuring you get the best deal. #sisterhood #bestdeal #carsforsale #ladiesstuff #girlthing #helping #savingmoney
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Happy new financial year.. Here is to a year ahead of goals, dreams and wishes coming true. #missauto #sisterhood #satisfaction #goals #aspire #2016 #cars
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A huge shout out to this beautiful client and now sister of Miss Auto... Anilda sulemanovski enjoy your new car. It was well worth the wait and the breathing. You deserve only joy, happiness and safe motoring now and for many Bikram yoga classes to come. #missauto #customerservice #mazda #cars #worththewait #satisfaction #sisterhood #bikramyoga
It was an absolute pleasure helping you, though above all meeting you and having such an inspirational and guiding person to me. You are the white witch in my life. Mmmwahhh 😘🙏💐🚕
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On the way home tonight, wonder if it works 🤔🍻👍👎?! #missauto #drinkdriving #glovebox
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A huge shout out to this amazing and special customer. Ana Milena Pedreros and family you are a gift from the Angels. Thankyou xo #missauto #customerservice#helping #berwickmazda
Goodmorning my wonderful family, friends and friends of friends. News is out of what has been brewing for some time now. I have made the decision to focus on what I know and what I am good at; cars... Think cars think #missauto as I feel as though there isn't enough help for us ladies and all out there in the motorcar industry. Here is Miss Auto ! As I am still working full time this will be a developing process that may take some time. I truly appreciate all of your support so far and I can't wait to be of service to all that are in need. Please feel free to contact me at any stage I am always here to help. Have a great day xox Miss Auto : AKA Paula Katz