예뻐지는 비밀공간, 애나시크릿
A secret place to be beauti, Anna's Secret
Wanna get beautiful nails?
Whenever you want, your nails can be beautiful
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Hey, Girls! Halloween is right here!!! Don't miss those cute Hallween Nails. You could have 20% discount for it only until this Sunday! Hurry up, don't miss great chance😘 할로윈이 바로 코 앞까지 다가왔는데요~ 할로윈네일 20%행사 이번주까지만 진행되니 다들 서둘러 예약문의주세용😘 #할로윈네일 #할로윈네일아트 #할로윈이벤트중 #멜번네일 #멜번한인네일샵 #melbournenails #melbournenailsalon #melbournekoreannails #annasecretnails #halloween2016👻 #halloweennails #halloweennailarts
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글리터만으로도 이렇게 표현 할 수 있어요!! 심플하지만 강렬하게!! Just with Glitters!! simple but impressive!! #애나시크릿 #애나시크릿네일 #멜번한인네일샵 #호손네일샵 #멜번네일 #annasecret #annasecretnail #annasecretnails #melbourne #melbournenailart #melbournenails #hawthornnails #hawthorn #nailart #nailarts
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Here is spring Pedi~ how are your toes? Prepare for Spring with anna's secret right now!!! :) #애나시크릿 #애나시크릿네일 #멜번한인네일샵 #호손네일샵 #멜번네일 #melbourne #melbournenails #melbournenailart #nailart #pedicuredtoes #hawthorn #hawthornnailarts #springnails #spring #annasecretnails
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요번이 생애 첫 젤네일이셨던 손님이세요!! 직업 특성상 네일연장이 안된다고 하셔서 짧게 해봤습니다~ 봄이니까 꽃네일로! 원래가격 60불이지만 지금 행사중으로 40불!! 이제 행사기간 얼마 남지 않았네요 서둘러주세요!! It was her first nail art for the first time in forever!Though she can't have long nails cause of her job, still cute. isn't it??:) $60->$40! Hurry up not to miss this chance!!:) contact us : 0422.741.997 #annasecretnail #melbourne #melbournenails #melbournenailart #hawthorn #hawthornnails #nailarts #nailart #호주네일 #네일아트 #멜번네일 #호손네일샵 #멜번한인네일샵 #애나시크릿네일 #애나시크릿
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Hello, guys! I brought SPECIAL EVENT for you!! It's only for 4 weeks,until 12 of Oct so you might be hurry for it! lol 1. Gel Nail/Pedi $30/$40 (Basic) 2. Gel Nail/Pedi $40/$50 (Art) 3. Aqua Nail $15 each 4. Metallic powder $8 each 5. Extension $50 6. Swarovski full parts $15 each 7. Free for Soak Off 8. If you send me a design what you want, I'll let you know the price. Many colours, glitters and swarovski stones are coming now! Make your nails beautiful at the secret place to be beauti, Anna's Secret Kakao Talk: beayti(English&Korean)/ ljy8038(Korean&Japanese) Text: 0422.741.997 #annasecretnail #melbournenailart #melbournenails #melbourne #hawthorn #hawthornnails #nailart #nailsart #호주네일 #네일아트 #네일스타그램 #멜번네일 #멜번한인네일샵 #호손네일샵 #애나시크릿 #멜번네일아트
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Hello, guys! I brought SPECIAL EVENT for you!! It's only for 4 weeks,until 12 of Oct so you might be hurry for it! lol 1. Gel Nail/Pedi $30/$40 (Basic) 2. Gel Nail/Pedi $40/$50 (Art) 3. Aqua Nail $15 each 4. Metallic powder $8 each 5. Extension $50 6. Swarovski full parts $15 each 7. Free for Soak Off 8. If you send me a design what you want, I'll let you know the price. Many colours, glitters and swarovski stones are coming now! Make your nails beautiful at the secret place to be beauti, Anna's Secret Kakao Talk: beayti(English&Korean)/ ljy8038(Korean&Japanese) Text: 0422.741.997 #annasecretnail #melbournenailart #melbournenails #melbourne #hawthorn #hawthornnails #nailart #nailsart #호주네일 #네일아트 #네일스타그램 #멜번네일 #멜번한인네일샵 #호손네일샵 #애나시크릿 #멜번네일아트
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보라색인데보라색 티가 안나네요😂양손을 같은듯 다르게 대리석 네일이랑 라인테이프로 각각 포인트 넣으셨어요:) It doesn’t look like purple😂She got marble nails and line-tape nails on each hands:) Kakao Talk: beayti Text: 0422.741.997 #annasecret #annasecretnails #melbournenails #melbournekoreannails #melbournenailarts #hawthorn #hawthornnailarts #nailarts #marblenails #멜번네일 #멜번네일아트 #멜번한인네일샵 #애나시크릿 #애나시크릿네일 #애씨 #대리석네일 #마블네일 #프렌치네일
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짧은손톱도 네일아트 가능합니다! 손가락마다 색상만 바꿔서 풀콧으로 칠해도 참 귀엽죠:) Short-nails also can get nail arts! Only different colours but looks so cute! Isn’t it?:) Kakao Talk: beayti Text: 0422.741.997 #melbournenails #melbournenailarts #melbournekoreannail #melbournekoreannailarts #short_nailarts #colourfulnails #멜번네일 #멜번네일아트 #멜번한인네일샵 #애나시크릿 #애나시크릿네일 #멜네일스타그램 #네일아트 #짧은손톱네일 #짧은손톱 #알록달록
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It was her birthday!!! Thank you for coming and enjoying Anna's Secret on your birthday with you bf! And for a birthday present she got extra DC as well!! 오늘은 일본인 커플분이 방문해주셨어요~^^ 워킹홀리데이로 멜번에 있는 남친을 위해 남반구로 날라오셨다고!! 애씨도 이쁜 사랑 응원하겠습니다!! #annasecret #annassecret #annasecretnail #melbourne #melbournenails #melbournenailart #hawthorn #hawthornnails #nailart #nailsart #swarovski #멜번네일 #멜번네일아트 #멜번한인네일샵 #애나시크릿 #네일스타그램 #호주네일 #네일아트 #ネイルアート
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Spring is coming!! Why don't U change Your Nails for Spring?? Contact with anna's secret now for YOUR SPECIAL PRICE!! Hello, girls! Anna's Secret is coming! Before Open, we prepared pre-open and event as well!! 1. Basic gel nail - only $30(including cuticle care) 2. For all services, you can get $15% off 3. Friends Event-If you come with your friend, each of you can get 20% off(because we have only one technician, you can get a service one by one) 애나 시크릿이 정식 오픈 전 저렴한 가격에 인사드리고자 가오픈 이벤트를 준비했습니다~ 아트나 파츠에 따라 가격이 달라지지만 토탈 가격에 15%할인 들어가구요~~친구와 함께 온다면 20%!! 단 혼자서 하기때문에 한분씩 시술해드려요. 자세한 문의는 카톡 beayti로 연락주세요. #annasecretnail #melbournenails #melbourne #melbournenailart #hawthorn #hawthornnails #nailart #nailsart #swarovski #멜번네일 #멜번한인네일샵 #호손네일샵 #애나시크릿 #네일스타그램 #호주네일 #네일아트 #멜번네일아트 #springnail #spring #김새롬네일
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Spring is coming!! Why don't U change Your Nails for Spring?? Contact with anna's secret now for YOUR SPECIAL PRICE!! Hello, girls! Anna's Secret is coming! Before Open, we prepared pre-open and event as well!! 1. Basic gel nail - only $30(including cuticle care) 2. For all services, you can get $15% off 3. Friends Event-If you come with your friend, each of you can get 20% off(because we have only one technician, you can get a service one by one) 애나 시크릿이 정식 오픈 전 저렴한 가격에 인사드리고자 가오픈 이벤트를 준비했습니다~ 아트나 파츠에 따라 가격이 달라지지만 토탈 가격에 15%할인 들어가구요~~친구와 함께 온다면 20%!! 단 혼자서 하기때문에 한분씩 시술해드려요. 자세한 문의는 카톡 beayti로 연락주세요. #annasecretnail #melbournenails #melbourne #melbournenailart #hawthorn #hawthornnails #nailart #nailsart #swarovski #멜번네일 #멜번한인네일샵 #호손네일샵 #애나시크릿 #네일스타그램 #호주네일 #네일아트 #멜번네일아트 #springnail #spring