Body Mind Therapy by Mel Floyd
Body Mind Therapy is an energetic healing session using Reiki, Kinesthetic massage and Polarity Therapy to deeply relax your body a create peace of mind. Body Mind Therapy is an energy based health modality designed to support your physical and mental well being.
All sessions are non threatening, fully clothed and deeply relaxing. Gentle body stretches and massage facilitate the movement of energy allowing the body to access a peace of mind that not only allows clarity and insight but reduces stress, supports the immune system and provides vibrant health.
With treatment session for:
Physical Injuries
Poor circulation
Low energy
or purely just to relax from your busy life.
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Spring has sprung with these beautiful blossoms, happy spring, happy Father's Day xx #springtime #fathersday #blossoms
Celebrities Speak Out On Fame & Materialism
we all get so caught up in what society is telling us we should be or have, it's a hard road to go against that but it's the only road, such a powerful message here.
Inner Light by Zamira Darib on Instagram: “A beautiful person is not defined by a hair style, a...
Timeline Photos
Timeline Photos
I found this picture of myself with my daughter today and it really got me thinking about how much bloody hard work it is to be a Mum. From growing, building and birthing a baby to raising, praising, crying, laughing and tearing your hair out as a Mum in the hope that you can build a person who is honest, loving, capable and confident in the world. As If this isn't enough work, throw in all the pressures society places on what you should be doing, eating, looking like and how you are not doing it right as a mother, I’m exhausted just writing this! So I want to shout out and thank all mums, you, your Mum and your Mothers Mum, who are all unsung heroes in my eyes, YOU ROCK!
What is Energetic Healing?
People always ask me what is energetic Healing? This article puts it into simple terms.