CrossFit GEO
CrossFit GEO At CrossFit GEO we use the CrossFit methodology of training to elicit the best strength and conditioning results you will ever get. Using a variety of movements, and equipment, we work at an intensity that means you will achieve improvements across all facets of your fitness - strength, speed, power, endurance, stamina, flexibility, accuracy, balance, coordination & agility (check out for more info).
We are not an ordinary gym. We workout together in a group, and push each other to finish the task at hand. It could be swinging a kettlebell, or flipping a tyre, doing olympic lifting or some form of gymnastics. Every session is different. You will never get bored.
Sounds daunting? Don't be intimidated. Everyone can do a CrossFit workout. We just scale it up or down according to your level of fitness. As long as you are prepared to put the work in, you will see improvements in your health and fitness.
Stop making excuses! Come along for a free trial session and see why CrossFit is the best way to improve your life.
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We've all been there - that moment in a WOD when you wonder why on earth you are putting yourself through this. Then that inner voice kicks in and says, "Pick it up. Keep going". It was awesome to watch Ernie bring it home today. Inspiring stuff!
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Everyone did so well with 17.5. It was a tough WOD! It didn't matter whether you RX'd it or scaled, 10 rounds of thrusters and skipping is just a grind. By round 5 you are ready to chuck it in, and it can be disheartening knowing that you are only halfway. But then that inner strength and determination kicks in and you push on. Big props to Suzannah Boulter who persisted with the RX'd version and went all the way to the time cap without finishing. That to me is an incredible spirit and drive.
17.5 - The end is upon us. The Beast has been slain.
Finally! We are at the end of what has been a very challenging, somewhat brutal 5 weeks of very testing workouts. And what better way to wrap things up than with a beautifully simple combo of two iconic CrossFit movements - the Thruster and the Double Under. It was so cool to watch people step up and take themselves out of their comfort zones. Well done to everyone who came in today and slayed the beast. It didn't matter what time you got or even if you finished it. What matters is that you gave it your all, and, indeed, everyone did. We have one more day to do this. Will anyone go for a second round? It's amazing what a day of rest will do to soften the memories of a traumatic experience. Good luck to everyone who will do it on Monday. You've got this!
Coaches from CrossFit GEO GO HEAD TO HEAD in 17.5
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Watch the GEO Coaches go head to head in 17.5 tomorrow at 8.30am
Hey guys, As many of us guessed, 17.5 has delivered Thrusters and Double Unders to us for the final workout of The Open. It is a beautifully simple WOD - 10 rounds of 9 Thrusters & 35 Double Unders, but do not be fooled by this. Though the weights are light, the combination of the two means the heart rate will be up as you grind your way through 10 rounds. [ 278 more words ]
Funky Friday Fun
Around midday today we will discover our fate for the final workout of the Open - 17.5. I'll throw it out there now and say we'll be getting Thrusters and Double Unders......time will tell. We will run the Open workout as we have done for previous weeks - Saturday morning from 8am and all of the regular sessions on Monday. The Coaches will be going head to head in 17.5 on Saturday morning - come and watch the action then have a go yourself. [ 70 more words ]
Row row row your boat
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH 5RM Push Press METCON In pairs, row 5000m where partners take turns rowing max effort for 1 minute. The partner who comes off the rower immediately does 5 burpees.