Youthsafe partners to prevent unintentional injury of young people.
Youthsafe address youth injury on the road, at work, playing sport & socialising.
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Youthsafe would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year. Our offices will be closed from Friday December 23, 2016 and will reopen on Tuesday 3 January, 2017.
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These are some things young people told us they would be OK with saying to someone asking them for a lift after the 11pm passenger curfew. What would you say?
NSW Road Safety
Timely reminder for all of us, not just novice drivers, about mobile phone use in cars.
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Young drivers are more likely to crash with friends in the car. As a driver, you choose for everyone, so: - Stick to the speed limit - No alcohol or drugs - Don't drive stupid
Hands-free phone chats in car 'as dangerous as hand-held mobiles'
QUT research suggests talking on a mobile phone, even hands-free is still dangerous. Talking to a passenger? Not so distracting, based on their study.
Encouraging kids to plan for the future - why it's tricky for teens
Why young people can have trouble planning and how families can help them:
Designer nights out: good urban planning can reduce drunken violence
As end-of-year celebrations kick off, it's a good time to revisit this interesting article about how we could design safer nights out for everyone - without having to rely on individual's behaviour. Keeping people moving and entertained are key.
Planning your night out - no matter how big or small - can help you and your friends have fun and stay safe. Plan2 helps young people explore options and develop strategies for getting around safely while out with friends.
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Honored to present at the Adam Goodes Talent Camp. Thanks to AFLNSWACT and the amazing athletes for their input.
Parents' 'risky' drinking encourages teens
As parents it's important to think about the influence our behaviour has on young people, especially around drinking alcohol, driving and safe work practices.
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A reminder - from tomorrow P2 drivers will not be allowed to use their mobile phones while driving - at all. Other measures to start November 2017. Will this really impact the road toll? We need to think carefully about how to gradually increase young drivers' ability to manage distractions and hazards. Older drivers must set a good example too and only use their phones hands-free.