Devinely Fit Yoga & Lifestyle Kiama
Yoga Health Laughter Meditation Retreats
Friendship Connections Community
Celebrate L.I.F.E
Love Inspiration Friendship Expression through Yoga
Yoga & Meditation for health + stress management + pregnancy + mens health + family yoga + yoga for surfers + Childrens Yoga. Fun + Inspiring + suitable for all. Specialising in Beginners.
Private and group yoga classes to transform your mind & body. Suitable for beginners to experienced yogis. Fun, inspiring flowing vinyasa style classes designed to have you feel great. Our studio is light filled, spacious and a beautiful place to practice. We provide all mats & equipment.
Mums n Bubs, Tots and Kids Dance, Remedial massage are all available. Private & boutique group sessions available to meet your needs.
Bookings Essential. Places limited. Contact Office 0425 77 88 44. Move, breathe, bend, stretch, balance, unwind, run, walk, laugh, chat, connect. Feel great, be happy, have Devinely Fit.
Intro Offer $20 for 3 classes. Valid for 10 days. No yoga experience required and you do not need to be flexible or fit. Classes are suitable for all levels and all ages. Come and try. We look forward to meeting you and sharing with you the joy of yoga.
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Community + Art + Celebration + Clearing Space + Boundaries + Beach Walks + Sound Healing + 15 weeks Pregnant It has been a big few weeks in the Devine + Smillie Household. Exciting projects are happening + wonderful yogis are finding their way into our lives. Many thanks for the joy you are bringing. I had the pleasure of sharing in the ACT Carers Kiama Retreat this week & sharing my love of health + wellbeing + yoga + meditation with 83 inspiring souls + 6 lovely staff who made the fabulous three days happen. I not only got to share my love of yoga + Kiama + Berry with these great people but also be reminded of how blessed I am to have a happy & healthy family. It was great to share the love with my fab acupuncturist & herbalist Rusel Last of Integral Healing who lead the group through a wonderful Tai Chi session. Today as I sit on some drift wood at Gerroa beach + enjoy the peace around me I have time to reflect on the wonderful friends + opportunities living by the sea has brought me. Whilst I will always be a city chic the coast fills my soul with its beauty + healing qualities. I am about to enjoy some quiet meditation + some sound healing. Daniel of Suntara Music gave an amazing sound healing workshop in Berry on Thursday & again last night in Milton. Amazing. Many thanks to Sarah Whiteman + Patsy from Global Contact for making it happen. So if you hear me Ooo + Oh + Aw + Ah + Eh + Eeee + Eeee you will know that I am raising my vibe by sound healing. Happy Saturday + to my family. I love you all + I look forward to our family meeting to discuss your contribution to keeping our home clean + clear + sparkly. Om Shanti
It's Saturday. Yippee. Here is to making yours full of Smiles + Laughs + Good Vibes. Move + Give some love to your body + try and find some time to connect with mother nature. Garden + Sit under a tree. Walk the beach + allow the healing effects of the ocean to cleanse + renew you. Write someone a card + send it in the snail mail. I love receiving cards so anyone who wants to drop me a note feel free!! You cant beat lifes simple little treasures. I am off to enjoy some of my favourite Sydney Haunts - Dr Haushka Skin Discovery Centre in Rozelle for some nurturing and a visit to Tali Aboriginal gallery + a few Op Shops + of course IKEA. hopefully I can make it to the Apple Store. Happy Saturday. Om Shanti xx Megan
Sharing my joy of yoga + loving being pregnant with baby No 4!! Who would have thought that at 42 I would be experiencing the miracle of watching + feeling my body change shape + a new life grow within it. Graeme, Ella, Lucy + Josh + myself are very excited + feel very blessed. This week we got to see the 12 week ultrasound. Pretty special times in the Devine + Smillie home. So too is the wonderful new yogis that are coming into our world and sharing their journey of yoga + breath + connection with the family + myself. Our new studio in Gerringong is coming to life and the space is lovely + waiting for a few finishing touches before we open our lovely space for yoga + music + dance + lots of high vibe + fun activities. I have been grateful to cover Kent Ladkins classes whilst he has been in Bali and have loved teaching his dedicated students. I also relished being a yoga participant on the mat and thoroughly enjoyed Joel Roberts Fitness Yoga Class led by Jess. So to all my lovely yogi friends near + far thanks for being in my world. XX Megs
Photos from Devinely Fit Yoga & Lifestyle Kiama's post
Yoga + Family + Working together Yoga isn't just about asana ( postures) + being able to be flexible. Yoga is about looking within + stilling the mind + it is about acceptance + sharing + tolerance + working together. I feel blessed to have a great friendship + relationship with my step daughters Ella + Lucy & their dad Phil Hall + feel blessed that we bring the yogic way to our household.
Devinely Fit Yoga & Lifestyle Kiama's cover photo
Smile + See sunrises + Do Yoga + Love Gerroa + Being Devinely Fit
Devinely Fit Yoga & Lifestyle Kiama
Photos from Devinely Fit Yoga & Lifestyle Kiama's post
The LOVE of yoga + friends + laughter + Celelebrating new LIFE Tonight at 7 pm Megan will be teaching for Kent Ladkin at CWA Hall Berry $10 BYO Yoga Mat & Blanket Children 8 & over welcome Fab class for beginners or those who wish to get back on the mat after having a winter sabbatical.
Devinely Fit Yoga & Lifestyle Kiama
Yoga is about finding the union within oneself + that of our best teachers - our families + friends + riding the waves that relationships create. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Photos from Devinely Fit Yoga & Lifestyle Kiama's post
Happy Days with some of my favourite morning crew yogis and my lovely family
Devinely Fit Yoga & Lifestyle Kiama
Yoga + Community + Connections. Make it part of your way of living Megan Smillie
Photos from Devinely Fit Yoga & Lifestyle Kiama's post
Smile + Breathe + Connect + BE YOGA I will be commencing Family Yoga + Mother & Daughter yoga & Yoga for Mobility & Laughter yoga very soon. Very good very good yeh!! Stay tuned. Please connect with me via phone 0468810170 or private message if you have any requests or suggestions. Om Shant xxx