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Fitzgerald Street Studio

80 Fitzgerald Street, Geraldton, Australia
Arts & Entertainment



Studio available to rent by the hour for dance, yoga, meetings, pop up exhibitions. Call the number above for available hours.  


Welcome to 2017. Time slots are filling fast. At the moment we have 3 Belly dancing classes, Adults and children's indian dance classes, children's music program and potentially a yoga class of two. If you are interested in hiring the studio to run a class contact me through this page of email me at

The Studio would also like to welcome Rae to wednesday evenings with a meditation group. Call Rae on 0408098226

Be sure to give something a go at the studio this term. Beginners Belly dancing. Call Jo o458538964 Adult and kids belly dancing Call Sue 0400550006 Adults belly dancing Call Tiffany 0427194390 Kids Yoga Call Amy 0457324745 Bollywood Dancing Call Soumya 0432490470 Nia Dance Call Katie 0400239487 Windchimes family music program Call Clare 0400183093. There are some spaces left if you are interested in offering a different class to the public at a reasonable rate. Call Jo 0458538964.

Welcome to 2016. There is a great lineup of fabulous things to do at the studio. Some have started and others will be starting in the new school term. Classes that are on right now are. Monday nights. Beginners Bellydancing. Phone Jo. 0458538964 Tuesday nights Bellydancing with Tiffany. Phone Tiff. 0427194390 Friday night Bollywood dancing with Soumya. 0432490470 Returning when school resumes. Adults and kids Bellydancing classes with Sue. 0499550006 Yoga with Frida. 3 classes 0421352701 Meditation and Nia dance with Katie. 0400239487. Kids Yoga with Amy TBA. Wind chimes kids music program. Clare. 0400183093 There are still daytime hours available if you have a class you would like to run. So call me 0458538964. Jo.


NEAR Fitzgerald Street Studio


Geraldton, Australia
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