Extraordinary people having extraordinary adventures! BANG Fitness Adventures is where fitness and health meet adventure, where DOING is more important than just talking about it, where making AWESOME things really happen, achieving the big goals is what we do every day. From a corporate Adventure Training Camp to a week long BALI Fitness Camp, we make it happen for you, your team, your business because YOU want it and are tired of not having it happen.
We will teach you the skills to set big goals, break them down into bite size chunks of success and achieve more than you thought possible. What if YOU were able to climb a volcano, or go White Water Rafting? What if you could overcome your fear of heights to complete a Hi Ropes course? What if you were to rise to the challenge of completing the infamous Kokoda Trail in Papua New Guinea?
How would that change your life? From Matt Jolley's own experience, it would give you the courage to go and achieve amazing success in business and life, and not wonder if you could ever actually do it, because you would have already DONE it!!!
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facebook.comThe key is not which decision. The key is making a decision, any decision, and following through. So what if it doesn’t work out perfectly? So what if you have to go down a different road because the first one didn’t get you where you thought it would. Make a decision, and whether you ask nobody for help, or a hundred people for help in deciding what to do, make sure you own that decision.
What’s your average breakfast look like? A couple of bits of toast eaten in the car whilst dropping the kids off at school? A bowl of cereal eaten at your desk? A green smoothie or a protein shake? Well, this is breakfast done right. At the Grand Majestic Hotel overlooking the Saigon River.
Three spots left to join us next February on our Thailand Adventure - imagine trekking to see the sunset and the next morning's sunrise right here!
Get your health on track!
Some pics from where we will be cycling on next year’s Thailand Adventure! 3 spots left if you want to join us next February!
Jeeva Beloam Beach Camp was the setting for last year’s Secret Retreat and it was a truly stunning setting. Imagine being able to stay at a magnificent tropical resort whilst you work on your health and fitness goals! Well, you can this year - but places are now limited and we won’t have a Secret Retreat next year. So if your goals are truly important to you - this is your year! Comment if you’d like more info!
Flashback to our Secret Retreat last year - ahhh, the serenity.
One day Maybe Soon Not sure When the time is right Can’t afford it My family is my priority right now Work is too busy These are all things I have heard hundreds of times. But...before everyone starts defending themselves, understand this. These words are what I have said. I said them a lot, and for a long time. I can’t even tell you if it was a lightbulb moment for me any more that changed the way I thought and spoke. I have been able to go to so many fabulous places, with awesome people. For one reason. I stopped limiting myself with my words. I stopped reading from the script of life written by what other people told me I should be doing. I realised that I was just reciting the lines without really challenging myself to dig deeper and find out what I really should be doing with my life. Now, I AM doing it. I get to take fantastic people to incredible places to do awesome things. But I can’t take them if they’re reading from the same old script. Write the next chapter of your life the way you want to, not the way you’ve been told to. Be prepared to get a little uncomfortable as you shake off the safety net. Live to your full potential. I am not quite there yet, I am still a work in progress. But I am miles away from the way I used think and act. You can be too!
Only a few rooms left for June 2019!!
I've got one room left for our March 16-23 Vietnam Adventure...which includes climbing Mt Langbiang... Just a little bit of up, and a little bit of down...
This will be our home for a week in September. Just, you know...FYI
Need versus Want People and weight loss fall into four categories. Some people want to lose weight and they also need to. Some people need to lose weight but don't want to. Some people don't need to lose weight but want to. Some people don't need to lose weight and don't want to. Where do you fit in? Whilst I'm not a fan of training clients just for weight loss there's every chance they will lose weight when they train with me, if they need to. Work out where you fit and then message me about a confidential chat about how we can get you losing weight. (As long as you need to! Otherwise we can just focus on making your body work the right way!)