The Persimmon Place
The Persimmon Place The Persimmon Place is an orchard business specialising in the growing, marketing and sales of several varieties of Persimmons. The orchard is located within the Hills District approximately 45 minutes drive north west of Sydney. The orchard is divided into various blocks over an area of approximately 8 hectares.
The primary orchard is open to the public with seasonal farm gate sales between March and June each year. Call and ask what is in season and check opening times.
Eight varieties of both astringent and non-astringent (sweet) Persimmons are available at different points in the season. In addition, a number of other associated products are available.
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Saw these slightly unusual sweet Persimmons today in the southern part of Myanmar. Yellower than I've previously seen and with a browner Calyx.
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It's perhaps a little known fact that Persimmons are the 8th most eaten fruit in the World. My wanderings through Cambodia and now Myanmar (Burma) certainly have confirmed the presence of sweet Persimmons (Fuyu) in most markets...hard to mistake that deep orange colour in any display...Thwa me!
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Finally the new cycle begins. Still early days but the trees have begun to breath again with an abundance of new growth. Including our new Yang Fangs. These will be a real treat when they bare fruit...
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We saved the best for last! Look at the size of these beauties. The largest Fuyus that we have produced to date. Just in time for our last trading day tomorrow.
Photos from The Persimmon Place's post
Sadly the season is coming to an end. There are only Fuyus (hard sweet variety) left on the trees. The remaining stock will only stretch to to the end of this week so get in quick!
Photos from The Persimmon Place's post
Another day of sunshine over for these little beauties. Sundried Persimmons are the best!
Photos from The Persimmon Place's post
Now in season! Our last two soft varieties are on the farm store shelves. Ask to try a "Yemen" and a "Macari". Plus still plenty of the Fuyus (hard ones) to go...
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The record this year... 715g Knightingale! Still not the biggest we've grown but getting there...
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Great to see the new season Suruga flying out the door. This year's crop rivals the other popular hard varieties for sweetness and size.
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The next generation of fruit pickers in training...
Photos from The Persimmon Place's post
It's mid season now and the early fruit is at its best...won't be long before the sweet Persimmons begin..