The Glenleighden School
The Glenleighden School is a unique Prep -Year 12 school supporting children and young people with disability for whom language is their primary disorder. For over thirty years, The Glenleighden School has supported students with speech and language disorders to make sense of the world around them and successfully access learning. Our extended school community is a very proud group of dedicated staff, students, families and friends who strongly advocate for the needs of young people who have little or no voice of their own.
The Glenleighden School aspires to support children and young people with speech and language disorders to achieve their educational and personal potential. We do this by providing comprehensive, intensive multi-disciplinary programs through a combination of teaching and therapy for students with special needs whose primary disorder is language.
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We would like to thank all the wonderful volunteers who helped out at our working bee on Saturday - whether you were cleaning , painting, cooking or looking after children - your efforts were all very much appreciated. Here are some before and after shots!
TGS Open Day 2017
Our dedicated staff are busy preparing for Sunday's Open Day! Come rain, hail or shine we will be here. See you then!!!
Photos from The Glenleighden School's post
Thank you Jilanna for organising a flower therapy session for My Time this week!
TGS Open Day 2017
We are looking forward to welcoming prospective families to our Open Day on Sunday. Please share with anyone who might be interested!
Timeline Photos
A message from Allison, our School Banking Mum: The Glenleighden School banking day is on Friday. Tomorrow morning, Victoria our Commonwealth Banking Representative will be on site from 8:15am for an account opening session. So if your child is keen to start banking at school this is your opportunity to open an account without too much fuss and bother. All you need is a current drivers licence and your child’s birth certificate to open an account online. However, if you can’t put your hands on either of these, don’t worry ID information can be completed at a later time. School banking is a fundraising opportunity for our school with 5% of every child’s banking deposit under $50 donated to the school by the Commonwealth Bank. We hope to see you on Friday morning!
Photos from The Glenleighden School's post
The Glenleighden School had some very special visitors from Japan on Monday. Misako Nakatani is an education journalist and visited us as part of her research. Since retiring as a newscaster, Misako has worked on increasing awareness and understanding of developmental disorders and special education to inform the practices of the Japanese Ministry of Education. It was a pleasure meeting Misako and her son. They even gave us these lovely Japanese treats!
Next Tuesday is our first of many TGS Community Seminar evenings. Community Seminars will be offered throughout the year to provide information and support related to key components of the school program. These sessions are targeted to the needs of parents of children with speech and language disorders. Seminars provide entry-level information for teachers and support staff. Seminars will be held in the Library 6:30-7:30pm and topics are outlined in the below table. You can register your interest in the seminars by contacting the school reception on 3378 8625 or emailing 14 March: Understanding Language Disorder 18 April: What is an Education Adjustment Program? IEP’s and Verification 16 May: Learning Supports for Language Disorder (e.g. reading and math strategies) 13 June: Speech and Language Supports for Learning – Paget Gorman, Colour Coding, Shape Coding, Cued Articulation. 18 July: Concept Development and Its Importance in Learning 15 August: Learning How to Think and Remember 12 September: Strategies for Emotional Regulation at School and Home 17 October: Gross and Fine Motor Skills in Children with Language Disorder 14 November: Strategies and Tips for Encouraging Social Skills, Play and Recreation
Timeline Photos
REMINDER: Tomorrow is school photo day so students need to arrive in full school uniform with tidy hair.
Photos from The Glenleighden School's post
Glenleighden were delighted to welcome Pat the dog from CBA. Our school banking program is led by the PS&F. It helps our students to learn about money and develop good saving habits.
Photos from The Glenleighden School's post
Our wonderful chaplain, Jilanna in conjunction with MyTime is hosting the following events for parents. Come along and join our Glenleighden community. Everyone is welcome.
TGS Open Day 2017
You are invited to find out why The Glenleighden School is Australia's leading specialist school for speech and language. We welcome your family to meet our Therapists and Teachers, and join us for a range of family-friendly activities such as Classroom Displays, Presentations, Face Painting, Balloons, Sausage Sizzle... and our famous Chatters Cafe!! Register now by "Attending" this event, by emailing, or call us on 07 3378 8625 Can't wait to see you there!! If you are unable to attend, personalised school tours can be provided throughout the week. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the school, and the benefits we can offer your child: - Enjoy a showcase of our academic and therapy programs and explore our facilities - Meet our teachers and therapists and discuss our curriculum and therapy programs - Attend presentations to learn more about Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Music Therapy and Psychology support at our school.
Photos from The Glenleighden School's post
Giddy up! Junior School had another great day at horse-riding. Overcoming fears, learning new skills, using language to communicate with these beautiful animals. Thank you to The McIntyre Centre for providing this amazing program.