Wake up looking flawless everyday by enhancing your natural Beauty with eyelash extensions and a brow shape with myself at The Sanctuary Room
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My girl rockin her #volumelashes 😍 #babe #volumeeyelashextensions #elwoodlashes #melbournelashes #thesanctuarylashandbrowroom
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Lash Training 🤗🎓 Come and get certified and receive the skills needed to become an Eyelash Tech before the holidays start. 2 day course with full kit provided. For information Email Sasha: Tag someone who is ready to lash like a pro. #lashtraining #classiceyelashextensiontrainingmelbourne #getcertified #booknow #thesanctuarylashandbrowroom
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Have you all got your beauty appointments locked in before Christmas & New Years. Now is a good to to Book or re book your next appointment so you don't miss out | #booknow #happytuesday #volumeeyelashextensions #classiceyelashextensions #lashlifts #browsculpting #browshaping #browtinting #browalignment #busyseason #sillyseason
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Lash just made your eyes pop 😍 | #volumelashes #volumeeyelashextensions #happymonday #thesanctuarylashandbrowroom
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Classic set for Miss Jasmine 💕 her lashes are naturally a size 12mm #blessed #lashlove #browlove #classiceyelashextensions #browshape #browtint #thesanctuarylashandbrowroom
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Happy Friday Lash + Brow lovers | #fridayvibes #lashandbrowartist #volumelashes #volumeeyelashextensions #browshaping #browsculpting
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Thursday grind | #classicset #classiceyelashextensions #lashlove #greeneyes
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Lash Lift ♡ #humpday #lashlift #elleebanalashlift #browshaping #browtinting #browlove
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When you have long & thick lashes I can afford to go thicker without damaging the natural lash | #sobeautiful #lashlove #browlove #volumelashes #volumeeyelashextensions #browshaping #browtinting #browsonfleek @allybick
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Who wants perfect brows for summer | book now only limited spots left till Christmas #browboss #happytuesday #browshaping #browtinting #browsculpting #browalignment #thesanctuarylashandbrowroom
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Can't get enough of this stunner 😍 loving her lashes. #classiceyelashextensions #classiclashes #browsonfleek #browshaping #browtinting
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Those eyes 😍 happy Saturday | #lashlove #browlove #saturdayvibes #volumeeyelashextensions #volumelashes #browshaping #browtinting