Stillness Meditation Therapy (SMT™) was developed by Dr Ainslie Meares in the 1950’s, for the natural relief of anxiety and stress and related symptoms
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The absence of a structured technique makes SMT quite unique. Physiologically based, the experience is one of global rest – meaning entire rest for body, mind and emotions. This effortlessness sets SMT apart from other types of meditation.
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"There is a great freedom in the knowledge that this (SMT) is an experience of NOT doing. Life is busy, filled with doing things that contribute to feelings of general stress. The idea of not having to do anything but be at ease is a great relief" Pauline McKinnon, "Living Calm in a Busy World", Melbourne 2011
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Melbourne and most other places in Australia will be sizzling today. It's easy to lose our temper, be quick to anger or to become impatient under extreme heat conditions. Our body heats up and so do our emotions. Keep your body cool by avoiding the sun as much as possible, make sure you're drinking a lot of water and keep an eye on the elderly and the very young who are so vulnerable under these conditions. And to keep your temper cool as well, make sure you don't forget to practice your stillness
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Tried the apps? Sick of 'drugs'? Done all the talking? Not into "Om"? It all seems too hard? Do something simple: SMT
Dr Ainslie Meares
Obsolete reactions “The first step towards a more human existence in which our aggression is not aroused is to reduce the level of our anxiety. Aggression is essentially an inbuilt defensive reaction which automatically mobilizes our powers of combat. Like other defensive reactions, it comes into play when we are threatened. When we are secure in ourselves, we are so much the less likely to feel threatened. Conversely, if we are anxious, we feel insecure, and actions of other people which are really of no great import seem threatening to us. And of course the threat sparks off our aggressive response. In this chain of psychological reactions we must remember that it is how we feel about the situation and not the situation itself which evokes our reaction. Similarly, it is the feeling of security rather than any factual security which minimizes our aggressive reaction ... Instead of logical discussion, it is sometimes much better to deal with aggression by paralogical means. This involves the use of another ancient psychological reaction which has become ingrained into us. In primitive life it was a survival value for us if we could sense and take on the mood of others around us. If they were afraid, it increased our own chances of survival if we also became afraid, in which case we would run away even if we did not know the reason why. Similarly, if the others were relaxed and at ease, we could assume that there was no danger about so we ourselves could also relax. As a result of this process we have evolved the tendency to take on the mood of others around us. If they are happy, we also tend to feel happy; if they are sad, we are sad too ... We can use this inbuilt mechanism very effectively in coping with aggression. If we are confronted with another person who is behaving aggressively, and we let ourselves relax, he will automatically take on our relaxation and in consequence will come to behave less aggressively. This happens automatically, and the process occurs without the other person being aware of what is happening. This way of coping with aggression is founded on our basic psychological inheritance and consequently can be used effectively in a wide range of situations involving the management of aggression. This is one of the most important things that we must learn in our move towards becoming more completely human ... If we are to progress to a more human way of life, we must avoid allowing our once useful but now obsolete patterns of reaction to continue to operate in disguised form. It is very easy to do this. The worst thing about these disguised reactions is that the disguise is often very effective and we ourselves are not aware that we are simply using our primitive, less than human, reaction in another form." Extract from "Let’s be Human" by Ainslie Meares
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Holiday for your mind - SMT Summer intensive program
Have you been thinking about joining us for the SMT Summer Program? If you would like to join us the time to act is now! You will learn: ♦ A simple life skill for calm living ♦ To go beyond relaxation for ease of mind ♦ How to cope with stress and break stressful patterns ♦ To enjoy better sleep ♦ To have more energy and true vitality ♦ To increase clarity, creativity and productivity ♦ The skills to bring a little holiday to your everyday! There is no time like the present to make those new year resolutions a reality! If you have promised yourself an easier, calmer way of living, take this step to get rid of tension headaches, sleepless nights, panic attacks, stress and related symptoms. Here is what some of our previous participants said: "I'm very glad that I was able to attend; the jigsaw puzzle came together" "Very happy with the program. Felt myself again after a very difficult year" "Loved it!" "Absolutely enlightening! The guidance during the sessions was very much appreciated. Very comfortable environment" "Exceeded my expectations! Informative, safe, a very good experience, well worth attending. Highly recommended" For more information and details on how to book, go to