Geelong Worms
Providing worm based solutions to the problem of organic waste management for homes, schools or businesses.Worm farms,worms and worm products available. Geelong Worms comes to existence to educate and provide a sustainable solution to the problem of for organic waste management. Our goal is to inspire and educate the community in urban Permaculture and make worm farming accessible to homes, schools, businesses or anywhere organic waste is produced. Organic matter is not waste, it's a valuable resource that should be processed on site in the way nature intends it to be. Nature is a closed loop system where nothing is wasted and worms play a key role in cycling energy and nutrients back into the system so why not work with nature instead of against it?
At our demonstration site people can come and learn or we can go and teach about different sustainable technologies applicable in an urban environment, perform waste audits, school incursions or arrange permaculture workshops.
Our worm farms can be purchased new or in up-cycle models where we have used second hand wheelie bins and up-cycled them by cleaning, fixing and fitting in new parts to turn them into fully functional worm farms at a cheaper price.
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I've created Geelong Worms to provide a sustainable solution to the problem of organic "waste" management at homes, businesses, school or anywhere organic "waste" is produced. We supply composting worms (at reasonable prices), worm juice and casting, worm farms of different sizes from 120 to 360 Litres new or in more affordable up-cycled models. At our demonstration site people can come and learn about different sustainable technologies applicable in an urban environment, we can also perform school incursions, arrange permaculture and worm farming workshops or presentation. Lets start turning "waste" into food
Geelong Worms
Geelong Worms's cover photo