Hargraves Nursery is dedicated to bring both people and plants together to create a growing community. Where We Began
For over 44 years, we have been bringing beautiful plants and people together. Started in 1971 Hargraves Nursery planted its roots in the sleepy village of Dural. Two acres of rubbish and blackberries, an old tennis court, and the foundations of old stables from a coaching house were cleared and Hargraves Nursery was born.
It has evolved today into one of Sydney's leading nurseries. Dural is no longer sleepy, but it is still beautiful. It is now ad joints the bustling suburbs of Cherrybrook, Castle Hill, Kellyville, Pennant Hills and Hornsby.
Where We Are Going
Hargraves Nursery is dedicated to bring both people and plants together to create a growing community.
With many beautiful plants to choose from, Hargraves Nursery sells high quality plants at affordable prices so you can plant a beautiful, healthy, and bountiful garden.
Our mission is to provide you with the best plants that you can nurture and grow in your garden. We are also committed to providing you with the best plant and gardening advice so you can grow a beautiful, healthy garden at your home.
Growing Community
We want to be the one to ignite the spark in the community to grow beautiful, flourishing gardens by introducing the community to the best plants, products, people, and information in all of Australia.
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facebook.comThe gorgeous rose blooms that you’ve been waiting patiently for are also being eagerly anticipated by some very hungry caterpillars. Caterpillars can chew through and into rose buds as well as eating leaves.
Little Gem’, ‘Teddy Bear’ and ‘Kay Parris’ are some of the stunning smaller varieties of evergreen magnolias now available.
Friday October 20, Saturday October 21, and Sunday October 22, 2017 The Galston Garden Club will be opening eight outstanding gardens with all proceeds being distributed to a wide range of charities. Gardens are open from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm on each day at a cost of $5 for individual gardens or $20 for a ticket allowing entry to all the gardens (this can be distributed over the three days). All are large acreage gardens covering a wide range of styles, with three being opened for the first time, and all are different from those opened last year. Highlands, 12 Ridge Road, Arcadia. Presented by Esther Ronco Boulevard, 20 Wylds Road, Middle Dural. Presented by Craig Teece Gleneagle, 14 Pinus Avenue, Glenorie. Presented by Jennifer and Kim Fleming Paradise Found, 6 Blacks Road, Arcadia. Presented by Faye Kotsis and David Bartlett Pukekura Park, 452 Galston Road, Dural. Presented by Yvonne and Fraser Mackintosh Kailynd, 20 Cotswold Road, Dural. Presented by Sophie and Scott Robinson Red Creek, 39 Derriwong Road, Dural. Presented by Jan and Mark Sutherland-Harris Elegans, 21 Fishburn Road, Galston. Presented by Bill Fleming Tickets are available on the open days at the Galston Club and at any of the gardens. No pre-booking is needed, just get yourself to any of the gardens and get a ticket and the brochure which includes a map. Food is available at many local locations which are listed in the brochure, or you can bring a picnic to have in one of the gardens. Light refreshments are available at Garden 8. Details are listed on the website Brochures are available at Hargraves Nursery.
The Galston Garden Club will be opening eight outstanding gardens with all proceeds being distributed to a wide range of charities. Gardens are open from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm on each day at a cost of $5 for individual gardens or $20 for a ticket allowing entry to all the gardens (this can be distributed over the three days). All are large acreage gardens covering a wide range of styles, with three being opened for the first time, and all are different from those opened last year. - Highlands, 12 Ridge Road, Arcadia. Presented by Esther Ronco - Boulevard, 20 Wylds Road, Middle Dural. Presented by Craig Teece - Gleneagle, 14 Pinus Avenue, Glenorie. Presented by Jennifer and Kim Fleming - Paradise Found, 6 Blacks Road, Arcadia. Presented by Faye Kotsis and David Bartlett - Pukekura Park, 452 Galston Road, Dural. Presented by Yvonne and Fraser Mackintosh - Kailynd, 20 Cotswold Road, Dural. Presented by Sophie and Scott Robinson - Red Creek, 39 Derriwong Road, Dural. Presented by Jan and Mark Sutherland-Harris - Elegans, 21 Fishburn Road, Galston. Presented by Bill Fleming Tickets are available on the open days at the Galston Club and at any of the gardens. No pre-booking is needed, just get yourself to any of the gardens and get a ticket and the brochure which includes a map. Food is available at many local locations which are listed in the brochure, or you can bring a picnic to have in one of the gardens. Light refreshments are available at Garden 8. Details are listed on the website
Lawns never come out of winter looking their best. But a little spring renovation will revive the grass and have it looking lush and lovely in no time #hargravesnursery #lawns #spring #lush
If you’re after a tropical look for your garden or indoor spaces then palms are a must and their long arching and graceful foliage also helps add a vertical dimension to the garden. #hargravesnursery #tropical #graceful #indoor #outdoor #gardening #palms
Gardeners love to see other gardeners' gardens. Next Friday, Saturday and Sunday is the Galston Garden Club's Open Gardens weekend. Brochures are available at Hargraves Nursery or go to #hargravesnursery #galstongardenclub #opengardens #inspiration #gardening
What perfect weather for school holidays and of course gardening. Native plants are more interesting than you think, this video will give you a few ideas on what to plant and how to look after them.
Check out this video of the nursery and you'll be bursting to get into your garden! There is so much colour, you won't know where to look. We have an extensive range of flower and vegetable seedlings, including 40 varieties of tomatoes! Blueberry Burst blueberries arrived yesterday. It's the perfect weekend to come and visit with our Spring Sale in full swing. 50% off lilly pilly, camellias, osteospermum, 30%off Indoors, shade house, 20%off daisies, climbers, natives, lavender, 10% off buxus, murraya, gardenia, to name a few. We're open all long weekend 8.30-5pm. So come and see us. Have a great gardening weekend.
Armeria are gorgeous hardy little perennials that have globe shaped flowers that sit proudly above the foliage. Ten years of clever plant breeding has created a fabulous new collection of low maintenance armerias called ‘Dreameria. #armeria #hargravesnursery #dreameria #gardening
To encourage this healthy habit, kids can help create their very own fruit & vegie snack garden at home and then proudly take the harvest to school to eat. #crunchandsip #munchandsip #schoolholidays #growyourown #snackgarden #hargravesnursery #gardening #gardeningforkids
Curl grubs are common pests of lawns during spring. They are creamy white or grey grubs, around 2 – 3 cm long with a brown head and a dark grey to black bottom #hargravesnursery #grubcontrol #gardening #lawns #spring
It’s starting to look a lot like Christmas in the nursery as we’re overflowing with poinsettias, they’re only available in store and they come in every size from tiny to huge, so if you want to make it look a lot like Christmas at your place you know what to do. #hargravesnursery #poinsettia #christmas

Hydrangea Endless Summer - was $34.99 now $26.44 The perfect spot for Endless Summer hydrangea is in morning sun and dappled afternoon shade. They flower most of the summer as they bloom on current year's growth as well as last year's. #hargravesnursery #hydrangea #gardening

Succulents They love hot weather, look very attractive in the garden or in pots and make beautiful gifts. We have 100's to choose from. #hargravesnursery #succulents #gardening

Gazania Tomentosa This hardy, attractive, prostrate, gazania is an excellent ground cover. It's striking silver - grey foliage and brilliant yellow flowers make it a show stopper. Check it out in Terminus St Castle Hill - or in the front of the nursery. #hargravesnursery #gazania #Tomentosa

Alstroemeria or Peruvian Lilies or Princess Lilies They love a sunny well drained position but will take some shade. They are hardy and long flowering, and make excellent cut flowers, lasting up to two weeks in a vase. Average size - 35cm x 35cm and are suitable for pots. #hargravesnursery #alstroemeria #peruvianlilies

Gaura - 'Butterfly Bush' Gauras look like little butterflies fluttering in the breeze, hence the nick-name. They come in white and pinks and grow to about 40cm x 40cm. They love the sun and look attractive in the garden, borders or in pots. #hargravesnursery #gaura #butterflybush

SunPatiens - $11.99 This impatiens tolerates heat, humidity, rain, sun and shade. They will flower until the first frost and come in ten colours. They do like extra water on very hot days. #hargravesnursery #sunpatiens #gardening

He's grinning with the greens. #nursery #plants #nature

Daisies Love the sun and flower for months. Give an occasional haircut. #hargravesnursery #daisies #flower

Proteas and Leucadendrons These South African plants are hardy and low maintenance. They belong to the same family as Waratahs and need full sun and a well drained position. #hargravesnursery #protea #leucadendron

Lavender We have 10 varieties. Pink, white and of course purple! Bees love lavenders and gardeners love bees. Lavenders like full sun and good drainage. Perfect in pot or garden. #hargravesnursery #lavender #gardening

Osteospermums – were $11.99 now $6.59 Vibrant and pastel colours. Love the sun. As tough as... #hargravesnursery #osteospermum #gardening
