Fancy That Wedding Party and event Hire - Drysdale
hire for weddings,party's & events decorations,small marquees,lolly & Cupcake buffet,platers adults &childs tables & chairs,inc delivery setup & pulldown
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facebook.comMagic Moments - Melbourne Basket Brigade - Packing day 2016
You probably saw some feed over the past week of what the Fancy That team. And some other Great people got up to in Melbourne Geelong and the Bellarine even reaching the western district being able to help some family's doing it tough of this a snap shot of what we got up to lots of reindeer food went out to and even better we have been working on setting up to do the same thing in Geelong next year all while working with other well known groups and food banks
Photos from Fancy That Wedding Party and event Hire - Drysdale's post
It's officially knock off time Deliveries are all done for my Christmas Clients 🎅 A huge thank you to everyone that has supported me throughout the year with out you I could not of continued to build what is a growing business with lots of new services being added as we grow Thank you all and have a happy and safe Christmas from all of us at FANCY THAT PARTY & EVENT HIRE
We are hear at the Showgrounds Twilight Market so come on and bring the family down tots of stalls set up inside and out
Photos from Fancy That Wedding Party and event Hire - Drysdale's post
And Today the giving goes on we could not wait to get started in Geelong next year so we came bake to Geelong with a life changing load of food hampers and toys to help out around 100 struggling family's around Geelong and the Ballerina and heading to Geelong Hospital kids ward on Christmas Day to spread the love some more
Photos from Fancy That Wedding Party and event Hire - Drysdale's post
Such a great time putting together some Christmas cheer and looking a bit worn out in the Video but every bit worth it to make some one out there feel loved at Christmas and giving back to the community and made some great friends in the process
Geelong Basket Brigade - Community Info 'n' Inspiration Meeting
Finished packing over 500 bags of food and presents for over 250 family's with children that will impact over 2500 lives of people struggling financially all over Melb Geelong The Bellarine as well as some Farming Family's in Simpson who have been hit with both floods and fire in the past year If it has touched you and you would like to be involved next year we are starting up a unit right hear in Geelong and having an information night in January so save the date and come along and find out More
Photos from Fancy That Wedding Party and event Hire - Drysdale's post
It's a hive of activity hear wrapping toys all the elves are hard at work packing for #MelbBasketbrigade
Ready to start packing Bags of food for 500 family's and toys for 250 kids that are struggle in as part of Melb Basket brigade in Preparations for Geelong Basket Brigade next year
And the Elf's were out tonight with mother Claws and her sidekick making sure the kids all got hooked up with some reindeer food
Photos from Fancy That Wedding Party and event Hire - Drysdale's post
Pixi and Dixi The Elfs all ready for action packing Goodie Baskets with Geelong Basket Brigade Sending out baskets of goodies to those less fourunate for it's starting to look more and more like Christmas with the food trucks an donations being unloaded an sired out 🎅
Fancy That Event Catering
We will be offering a new service in 2017 so pop over to the page and check out the opportunity to come for a taste test and give your feedback
Timeline Photos
I did just unpack my new display cabinet to showcase my range of slices ect when Iam at the Markets and will be giving this baby at test run at the Portarlington tennis club Christmas market