Dover Heights Shule - Sydney Australia
Dover Heights Shule - Beis Menachem Chabad - Rabbi Motti Feldman Dover Heights Shule is a Chabad Orthodox Jewish community-based congregation, started in 1997 in Sydney under the leadership of Rabbi Motti and Esti Feldman.
It is situated on the corner of Blake and Napier Streets, Dover Heights, New South Wales, Australia.
From humble beginnings in a classroom, a beautiful Shule was built in 2003 through the generosity of major benefactors Ian and Sara Miller. In 2009, the Shule Board, then lead by Robert Gescheit - on behalf of the Shule community, negotiated and purchased the property where the Shule stands on, from the adjacent Kesser Torah College. Currently, the Shules very active board is led by our Shule President, Avron Newstadt.
The Shule provides all regular services of Shacharis, Mincha and Mariv throughout the week & Shabbat, Sunday morning & evening, High Holidays and festivals. There is a short Shiur after Shacharis and a short Shiur between Mincha and Maariv.
There are a vast array of Shiurim offered including the Wednesday night Parsha Shiur, Shabos afternoon Talmud Shiur, Tuesday afternoon Ladies Tanya Shiur, wedding classes, Shiurim series on a wide variety of topics, and pre Yom tov educational Shiurim.
Every Yom Tov is celebrated with programs and activities. Our famous DHS Chanukah cruises, Shavuos dinners and learning programs, communal Pesach Sedorim, Purim parties, Shule Barbques, Kumzitzes, Friday Night Live, to name just a few. There is always something happening at DHS. As well, the Shule offers counselling, baby namings, bris milah, weddings, bereavement visits and financial welfare assistance for people in need.
The Shule also has youth services and programs for boys and girls on Friday evening, Shabbat, all festivals and High Holidays, and during the week and Sundays. The shule retains the services of part time youth directors, Rabbi Aycee and Sorella Abrahams, who lead a group of very capable male and female youth leaders and Bochurim. Our famous Bar and Bas Mitzvah programs continues to attract tens of Bar and Bas Mitzvas to our Shule every year. Our annual winter ski camps and our new summer day camp has attracted scores of youth and continues to expand every year.
A Kiddush is provided after every Shabbat & Yom Tov service. Every month on Shabbat Mevarchim we have a sit-down lunch and farbrengens with special guest speakers, together with the now famous Rebbetzin's cholent!
Please come along to Shule at any time, participate in our programs, and join the Shule where everyone is family. For information on membership, please phone the office on 9371 0055.
Welcome to Dover Heights Shule- the Shule with a view to the future.
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facebook.comGive your children a summer to remember... STILL TIME TO BOOK!
Chanukah in the Park 2017
Thanks to Gazzarazzi Photography for the awesome pictures!
Still time to book for our annual Chanukah Cruise! Limited spaces left. Book now at
We always sell out - so don't miss out book asap!
Lesson 5 - In the aftermath of the devastation wrought by the Khmelnytsky pogroms of 1648-1649, Rabbi Yisrael Ba'al Shem Tov initiated a movement that breathed new life into the hearts of the Jewish masses. But the teachings of Chasidism were soon regarded with suspicion by other Jews, and this led to some bitter controversies. We examined the writings of one of the central figures who lived through this unfortunate saga, Rabbi Shne'ur Zalman of Liadi. We explored how he understood the causes and nature of this controversy , and how he guided his followers through it, until he finally saw the day when peace and reconciliation prevailed. We now come to Lesson 6, the final lesson in this course ~ THE PUBLIC MENORAH - Is all publicity good publicity? In the 1970's when Chabad began erecting large Chanukah menorahs in public places, a number of Jewish organisations objected to this practice and filed lawsuits against it. This debate brought into sharp relief differing approaches within the Jewish community regarding how to preserve and express Jewish identity in the modern world. This lesson will also confront the question : In light of the Jewish historical experience as a "minority religion", should Jews advocate for a more secular society? Or does an irreligious society actually pose the greataer threat to our Jewishness, and to a civil society in general? This final lesson promises to be extremely interesting. MONDAY, 4th December - 7.45pm - 9.15pm at the Shule. In Rabbi Motti's absence Lesson 6 will be led by Rabbi Chanoch Suffrin who is an experienced JLI presenter. This course has been generously co-sponsored by Mike & Lauren Hirner in loving memory of Rochel (Ruth Bubbles) Hirner a"h JLI - The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute 📷Eliezer
Our newest JLI Course - Great Debates - continued this week with Lesson 4 that dealt with the question of the reestablishment of the Sanhedrin. We learned how this debate was a product of the unique historical circumstances of 16th century Jewry still reeling from the Spanish Expulsion. We also saw how this story is relevant to modern attempts to re-institute the Sanhedrin. NEXT LESSON ON MONDAY, 27th November - 7.45pm - 9.15pm at the Shule. Lesson 5 ~ Chasidic Renaissance ~ Power and controversy in the teachings of the Chasidic Masters. This promises to be a fascinating debate. In the aftermath of the devastation wrought by the Khmelnytsky pogroms of 1648 - 1649, Rabbi Yisrael Ba'al Shem Tov initiated a movement that breathed new life into the hearts of the Jewish masses. But the teachings of Chasidism were soon regarded with suspicion by other Jews, and this led to some bitter controversies. In this lesson we will examine the writings of one of the central figures who lived through this unfortunate saga, Rabbi Shne'ur Zalman of Liadi. We will explore how he understood the causes and nature of this controversy, and how he guided his followers through it until he finally saw the day when peace and reconciliation prevailed. In Rabbi Motti's absence Lessons 5 & 6 will be led by Rabbi Chanoch Suffrin who is an experienced JLI presenter. This course has been generously co-sponsored by Mike & Lauren Hirner in loving memory of Rochel (Ruth Bubbles) Hirner a"h JLI - The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute 📷 Eliezer
Our newest JLI Course - Great Debates - continued this week with the 3rd Lesson - The Maimonidean Controversy. Key Points: 1. Some Jews in the Middle Ages felt that their beliefs were challenged by the rise of Greco-Islamic philosophy. Maimonides wrote the Guide for the Perplexed to answer their questions and to present Judaism in a philosophical framework 2. The Guide for the Perplexed became controversial when some Jews used its ideas to justify the abandonment of Jewish beliefs and practices. The ensuing controversy culminated in the burning of Maimonides's philosophical works by the Christian Inquisition. 3. Maimonides explains the reasons for Mitzvot as they can be understood by the most basic level of human reason. There are a number of levels of reasons for Mitzvot. There are the reasons of God's wisdom, which are beyond the grasp of human understanding and then there are reasons that have descended into lower forms of wisdom, the lowest of which is basic human intellect. Next week we continue with Lesson 4 - IN THE WAKE OF EXPULSION - Was the time ripe to reestablish the Sanhedrin? NEXT LESSON ON MONDAY, 20th November - 7.45pm - 9.15pm at the Shule. JLI - The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute 📷 Eliezer
Join us for a unique evening with the Chief Rabbi of Israel.
Close to 50 people joined us for our first JLI lesson of the new course - Great Debates in Jewish History. Join us for the 2nd lesson next Monday, 7:45pm. To book your place call the Shule office. JLI - The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute 📷 Eliezer