Lettuce Pray is a part of van Gent ministries, giving devotions in a simple weekly format... and they are brief.
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facebook.comLettuce Pray Salad for your Soul Based on the lectionary readings for Sunday 5th June 2016 Pentecost 3; Sunday 11 Year C © Jacob van Gent 2016 Monday 30th May 2016. Read 1 Kings 17:8-16. God will always provide our needs. Let’s be thankful and not confuse wants with needs, especially in our land of plenty. Maybe God is calling you to share some of what you have got. Tuesday 31st May 2016. Read 1 Kings 17:17-24. God reveals Himself in many ways. Know that God does answer prayer. Know that God cares. Know God. Wednesday 1st June 2016. Read Psalm 146:1-4. Praise the Lord today, tomorrow and forever. God is always there, always with us, always for us, and always in us. Trust God and not man. Thursday 2nd June 2016. Read Psalm 146:5-10. All the promises of God will be fulfilled. God was there in the beginning. God wants us to be His followers doing His work, being active in our witness to Him. Friday 3rd June 2016. Read Galatians 1:11-24. The Gospel is not a human thing we speak to people about. The Gospel message is God given Good News. People are thirsty and longing for fulfilment. This can only come from a close relationship with God, through Jesus Christ. The Christian life is a delight, not just a disciplined way of life. Saturday 4th June 2016. Read Luke 7:11-15. Put yourself there, in this scene. What is your reaction to what has just happened? Is it Joy? Is it Fear? Are you amazed? This is Good News. Resurrection of the dead son. Spend some time today thinking through what the resurrection of God’s Son, Jesus Christ means for you and those around you. Sunday 5th June 2016. Read Luke 7:16-17. Fear and awe was the reaction of those around Jesus. The news of this event went throughout the land. People heard of this prophet from Galilee. People later heard the Good News of the grace of God in giving His only Son for the world. People were fulfilled in finding and asking Jesus Christ into their lives so they could know the delight of the Gospel. Hallelujah! My soul, Praise the lord. Psalm 146:1 NIV
Lettuce Pray Salad for your Soul Based on the lectionary readings for Sunday 22nd May 2016 Trinity Sunday © Jacob van Gent 2016 Monday 16th May 2016. Read Psalm 8. When was the last time you looked up and observed the heavens thinking of God? God made all things and set us apart to be the carers of His creation. Look up! How awesome is God?! Tuesday 17th May 2016. Read Proverbs: 8:1-4. What is wisdom? Wisdom is knowing God and knowing His will. Wisdom cries out to be heard. The trouble is a lot of people are deaf to wisdom or just ignore it. Wednesday 18th May 2016. Read Proverbs 8:22-31. Wisdom has always been there. Open up and listen to her voice. Thursday 19th May 2016. Read Proverbs 8:32-36. (Not Lectionary). Happiness is in God. Listen to Him, follow His ways, and follow His Son. Many seek happiness and never really find it. Wisdom is Happiness. Friday 20th May 2016. John 16:12-13. God is revealed in three ways; the Father or Creator; the Son or Redeemer; the Holy Spirit or Sustainer. God is revealed in His creation, through His Son and by the Holy Spirit. Wisdom comes from all these. Let God guide your life. Saturday 21st May 2016. Read John 16:14-15. God is glorified in many ways. Through Jesus Christ and through the Holy Spirit. Look for the glory of God around you, listen to the glory of God at all times. Sunday 22nd May 2016. Read Romans 5:1-5. Faith. Is it just a word or is it an action? Depends on the person. True faith is an action by us to God and God's action to us through grace. Forsaking All I Trust Him. "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God." Romans 5:1, 2 NIV
Lettuce Pray Salad for your Soul Based on the lectionary readings for Sunday 15th May 2016 Pentecost Year C ©. Jacob van Gent 2016 Monday9th May 2016. Read Genesis 11:1-4. We are good at wanting to play God. We build towers of our own, by ourselves, for ourselves, forgetting God. Then it all falls down and we wonder why. Trust in God, He is the architect, builder, and maintainer. Include God in your plans as He has included you in His. Tuesday 10th May 2016. Read Genesis 11:5-9. We tend to babble at times, not really knowing what we are saying. With God included in our lives we will know what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. The Holy Spirit will guide what we say and do if we allow Him. God knows the trouble we can get ourselves into if we do things without Him. Thank God He is there for us. Wednesday 11th May 2016. Read Psalm 104:24-28. Good to remember all of God's creation, power and love. Spend some time recalling God's action in your life. Recall times when the Holy Spirit has empowered, encouraged or engulfed you Thursday 12th May 2016. Read Psalm 104:29-34, 35b. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you give praise to the Lord. Ask for Him to give you the words to say. Even a groan says a lot. Friday 13th May 2016. Read Romans 8:14-17. Great News! We are not slaves to sin anymore! We are set free through Jesus Christ. He has sent us the Holy Spirit, we are heirs to the kingdom, daughters and sons of God. We can cry out "Abba, Father". Now isn't that something you want to share? Saturday 14th May 2016. Read John 14:8-17, (25-27). "In my name" is not an open invitation to get what we want, when we want. It is an invitation to know the will of God, through Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and to ask and receive in the will of God. Ask Jesus into your life and ask Jesus to help you understand God's will for your life and those around you. Sunday 15th May 2016. Read Acts 2:1-21. This narrative never ceases to not only amaze me, but it inspires me to keep seeking the will of God, knowing I am empowered by the Holy Spirit. 16 "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever! The Spirit of truth". John 14:16-17a. NIV
Lettuce Pray Salad for your Soul Based on the lectionary readings for Sunday 8th May 2016 Ascension Day*/ Easter 7 Year C © Jacob van Gent 2016 Monday 2nd May 2016. Read Psalm 47*. Spend today 'clapping your hands and shouting to God'. Praise the Lord. Tuesday 3rd May 2016. Read Luke 24:44-53*.As Jesus ascends He reiterates His ministry of suffering, death, and rising from death for the forgiveness of sins. He encourages His Disciples to be witnesses and tells them to wait for the Holy Spirit who will empower them. We too, can be witnesses. We too, are empowered. Wednesday 4th May 2016. Read Ephesians 1:15-23*. Many understand the Church as a place where people go on Sundays to worship God. The Church is the Body of Christ of which Christians, those who believe in Him, are a part. The Church is the people of God, headed by Jesus Christ, the Lord. Thursday 5th May 2016. Read Acts 16:16-34. Not all people will respond to the message of Jesus Christ with joy. Most, in fact, will ridicule us for believing. Paul and Silas were beaten (which happens in many countries still) for their belief. They were jailed and they prayed. Their prayer answered, they could have escaped, but they stayed and one man and his family became believers. Do we dare be witnesses to Him in whom we believe? Friday 6th May 2016. Read John 17:20-23. The whole chapter is a prayer of Jesus Christ. This part of the prayer is for unity in Jesus Christ. Not only are we called to witness to the Good News, we are called to be one with ALL believers. That way the world will see and know that Jesus Christ is Lord. Join others in witnessing. Saturday 7th May 2016. Read John 17:24-26. Jesus Christ prayed for us, each one of us individually and as a whole, that the love He knows from the Father, is the love that we know, so that Jesus Christ can be in each one of us. Spread the love. Sunday 8th May 2016. Read Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21. While we eagerly await the return of Jesus Christ, we can show others the way to faith in Him. He brought them out and asked, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" The replied "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved - you and your household." Acts 16:30-31 NIV
Lettuce Pray Salad for your Soul Easter 5 © Jacob van Gent 2016 Monday 18th April 2016. Read Psalm 148:1-6. A great way to start the week! Praise the Lord for all He has done. His promises will never pass away. Tuesday 19th April 2016. Read Acts 11:1-18. We cannot deny anybody salvation through Jesus Christ. We cannot judge others because we think that they are not acceptable to God. ALL people have the opportunity to come to Jesus Christ. All people are saved in His Name, by His sacrifice, and through His resurrection. Wednesday 20th April 2016. Read John 13:31-32. God's glory is on display through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has glorified God in His selfless actions for all. Glory to all, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Write a short prayer of thanks to Jesus and share it. Thursday 21st April 2016. Read Psalm 148 7-14. Let all living things give praise to the Lord. Praise to Jesus Christ for giving His life so that all may be saved. Friday 22nd April 2016. Read John 13:33-35. How do we know a Christian? By His or her love for others. By the fact that they will openly share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Saturday 23rd April 2016. Read Revelation 21:1-4. Is there sorrow in your life? Is there pain? Look a new beginning is happening soon, where all things will be good and pure. Pain, suffering, tears and sorrow will be gone forever. There is Hope! Sunday 24th April 2016. Read Revelation 21:5-6. All will be made new. God created and He will recreate. We have been recreated through Jesus Christ. The living water is representative of the free grace that is on offer to all people now. Let your love, through Jesus Christ, shine so that others will know you are His Disciple "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:34,35 NIV
Lettuce Pray Salad for your Soul Based on the lectionary readings for Sunday 17th April 2016 Easter 4 Year C © Jacob van Gent 2016 Monday 11th April 2016. Read Psalm 23:1-2. We want what we don't need, and need what, at times, we don't want. The Lord looks after each of us individually and as a group. The Lord created us, the Lord supports us, the Lord has saved us. Thanks be to God. Tuesday 12th April 2016. Read Acts 9:36-43. In the Name of Jesus Christ we can expect miracles. New Life is through Him. Miracles still happen, we need to look out for them, bid and small. Many believed because Peter had the faith to bring Tabitha (Dorcas) back to life. Wednesday 13th April 2016. Read Psalm 23:3. Jesus Christ, the Shepherd, renews our lives every day. Open up to His renewal. Let Him in. know His presence. Thursday 14th April 2016. Read Revelation 7:9-17. Some people put a number (144,000) on the great multitude. Through the blood of Jesus Christ, all who come to Him are included in the great Multitude, otherwise it would not be a great multitude, only a small number who are saved. Salvation belongs to Our God not to man-made rules and ideas. Friday 15th April 2016. Read Psalm 23:4-5. No matter how dark life may seem, Jesus Christ is always there with us, preparing a banquet beyond our imagination. Walk with Him. Saturday 16th April 2016. Read John 10:22-30. As Jesus' sheep we are sure that we are safe with Him. "The Father and I are one" Read Psalm 23 to remind yourself of His goodness and mercy. The Festival, Hanukkah, is the rededication of the temple. We can rededicate ourselves to Jesus Christ. Sunday 17th April 2016. Read Psalm 23:6. Rededicate yourself to Jesus Christ, the one from whom all goodness and mercy (faithful love) comes from. Dwell in Him. And They Cried out in a loud voice, "Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb. “Revelation 7:10 NIV
Lettuce Pray Salad for your Soul Based on the lectionary readings for Sunday 10th April 2016 Easter 3 Year C ©. Jacob van Gent 2016 Monday 4th April 2016.Read Psalm 30:1-3. God has saved us from death through Jesus Christ. David celebrated his escape from death and his rebirth to become the greatest King in Israel's history. David thanked God for pulling him from the brink of disaster. What do you thank God for? Tuesday 5th April 2016. Read Psalm 30:4-12. God is known as the one who gets angry all time with people. God has a right to be angry at the world, however, His anger is short lived. God's grace overrides His anger and the 'morning' brings joy. Write a song to the Lord, praising Him for all He has done. Wednesday 6th April 2016. Read Acts 9:1-6. What does it take for people, us, to listen to God and recognise Jesus Christ working in our lives? Many preachers miss the point here that Jesus Christ must be alive to be able to talk to Saul. Thursday 7th April 2016. Read John 21:1-14. As the disciples had abandoned Jesus, He needed to re-call them. They learnt very quickly that with Jesus in their lives, they will catch many fish - people. Without Jesus they were lost. Friday 8th April 2016. Read John 21:15-19. Two words for love here. Agape is the noun, pure love, "do you love (agape) me" Jesus asks. Peter's response is the verb, Phileo. Love is twofold. The noun, Agape, is the love we feel (God’s perfect love), while the verb, Phileo, is the love we do. One type of love without the other is not real love. Love God with heart, soul, mind, and body. Do you love me? Saturday 9th April 2016. Read Acts 9:7-20. Ananias listened to and obeyed the Lord. Saul was blind and now his eyes have be opened by the Lord. Saul going under the Greek version of his name, Paul set out and witnessed to the ends of the known world. He wrote about half the New Testament. We need to go out with open eyes as Paul did. Sunday 10th April 2016. Read Revelation 5:11-14. One day, maybe sooner than we think, all creation will worship the Lord without reservation. The vision here is thousands upon thousands, in other words a number that couldn't be counted. How do you praise the Lord? "To the one who sits on the throne and to the lamb be praise, honour, glory, and power forever and ever." Revelation 5:13b GW
Lettuce Pray, Salad for your Soul Easter 2 Year C © Jacob van Gent 2016 Monday 28th March 2016. Read John 20:30-31. Jesus Christ performed many miracles after His resurrection. This tells me that His resurrection was the beginning of a whole new way of living. This is what I try to tell others as well. Not judgement, not criticism, not fire and brimstone, but the grace and love of the one who suffered and died for me, us, and is risen so that I, and all, have new eternal life. In and through Him. Tuesday 29th March 2016. Read Psalm 118:14-29. Give praise to God, the Father and the Son Jesus Christ. Jesus is the rejected stone that is now our cornerstone. Be careful who or what you reject. Mother Teresa said "If you judge people you have no time to love them". Wednesday 30th March 2016. Read John 20:19-23. Some people think that verse 23 gives them the right to hold a grudge (or two), by not forgiving. Jesus gave the disciples authority to preach the Good News, grace and forgive sins. Grace, Grace, Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that is what the Good News is. Thursday 31st March 2016. Read Revelation 1:4-8. Jesus Christ is coming again. The one was, is and is to come. Are you prepared? I occasionally watch a show called 'Doomsday Preppers' and am fascinated at the extent these people go to to prepare themselves for the end of days. If you have accepted Jesus Christ into your life, then you are prepared. Friday 1st April 2016. Read John 20:24-29. It is April Fool’s Day and Thomas thought who is playing this practical joke, Jesus alive!? Yeah right! But wait, it's no joke, He is not fooling… "My Lord and My God”! Saturday 2nd April 2016. Read Acts 5:27-32. Who do we obey, man or God? Well, there are laws of the country which Jesus encouraged us to obey. There are also those who want to stop people from being witnesses to Jesus Christ. Obey God. Serve Him. Be His witness. Sunday 3rd April 2016. Read Psalm 150. How do you praise the Lord! Have another read of this Psalm. What a great Praise to our Lord, Hallelujah! Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God! “Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:28,29 NIV
Lettuce Pray Salad for your Soul Based on the lectionary readings for Easter Sunday 31st March 2016 Easter Week Gospel Readings © Jacob van Gent 2016 This week we follow Jesus through His final days on earth and His victory over sin and death. Monday 21st March 2016. Read John 12:1-11. There are many who are 'nil' religion. We live in a world where life is for now. Be careful not to fall into the trap of the 'nillites' as I call them. They have not been brought up with any concept of a living, real, loving God. Easter to them is bunnies and eggs. Pray for them. Tuesday 22nd March 2016. Read John 12:20-36. Reflect on how you serve Jesus Christ. Jesus probably had few times where He said to the Father, "do I really have to go through this?. Yes it is your will and your will be done". The nillites are walking in the darkness. How can you help them see the light? Pray, reflect, act. Wednesday 23rd March 2016. Read John 13:21-32. How many ways are there to betray Jesus? Judas had to do what he did so that Easter would happen. We need to be careful to follow Jesus and not betray Him. Thursday 24th March 2016. Read John 13:1-17. I could never be a podiatrist (foot person). I have trouble touching other people’s feet. Here Jesus serves those who will serve Him. That is the nature of the Christian life - serving Jesus Christ, serving others and accepting the grace of His sacrifice. Friday 25th March 2016. Good Friday. Read John 19:28-30 (18:1-19:42). Reflect on the last words of Jesus Christ "It is Finished". What is finished for you? Saturday 26th March 2016. Read Matthew 27:57-66. So many sceptics around! They had to put a guard at the tomb so that the body of Jesus Christ would not be stolen or moved. A day of mourning for His followers. A day to rejoice in the fact that sin has finally be wiped away for those who follow Him. Sunday 27th March 2016. Read John 20:1-18. Where has the world put Jesus? He is there right in front of the world, and yet so many do not recognise Him. Hear Him calling you. Replace 'Mary" with your own name. Now turn to Him and humbly say "Teacher" and follow Him. "It is finished" "I have seen the Lord!"
Lettuce Pray Salad for your Soul Palm/Passion* Sunday Year C © Jacob van Gent 2016 Monday 13th March 2016. Read Psalm 31:9-16*. Even in the darkest of times, when you feel the whole world is against you, you know that you can still rely on God. God is with you all the way. You can confidently say "You are my God"(vs.14). Tuesday 14th March 2016. Read Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29. The stone that the builders rejected is Jesus Christ, and we can build our life on His foundation. God's faithful love endures forever. Wednesday 15th March 2016. Read Luke 22:31-34, 54-62* (Full Reading Luke 22:14-23:56.). I feel for Simon Peter. He is such a faithful servant and yet, when the butter hit the fan, he couldn't bring himself to admit he is a disciple of Jesus Christ. Peter was actually strengthened in his faith by this event in his life. He repented and followed Jesus with passion. Thursday 17th March 2016. Read Luke 19:28-40. As Jesus entered Jerusalem, He knew what His fate was, and yet He went obediently. People recognised Him as the Messiah and shouted praises. We could spend today praising Jesus Christ. Friday 18th March 2016. Read John 12:12-16. The people praised Jesus now, expecting an earthly reign as King. 5 days later, the crowd turned on Him, disillusioned. They did not understand the long term plan of God. Our lives can be that way at times. We become disillusioned with God. Have faith and see the long term plan. Jesus is King, Saviour and Lord of all. Saturday 19th March 2016. Read Philippians 2:5-11. We are reminded of the true nature of Jesus Christ. He humbled Himself and went to His death for us. Why wouldn't every knee bow and confess Him as Lord of all. Sunday 20th March 2016. Read Luke 22:39-46. Even Jesus had His moment of ' what am I doing', then He immediately placed His life in God's hands and was obedient. His disciples couldn't even stay awake. It is time for the Church to wake up and tell the world that Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour of all. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:10-11 NIV.
Lettuce Pray Salad for your Soul Lent 5 Year C © Jacob van Gent 2016 Monday 7th March 2016. Read Isaiah 43:16-17. It is good to remember who is in charge. We can fall into the trap of thinking we are. To a point we control our own destiny. That point is - follow God, through Jesus Christ or go out own way. Either way God is in charge. Tuesday 8th March 2016. Read Isaiah 43:18-21. Unfortunately we tend to dwell on the past too much. Sure it is good to learn from our mistakes, but that means carrying on into the future. Through Jesus Christ we have the way. Let the past be just that - the past. Forgive yourself and others through Jesus Christ and go forward with God. Wednesday 9th March 2016. Read Psalm 126. Focus on the cross of Jesus Christ today, recalling how He has restored you. Share your story with someone. Thursday 10th March 2016. Read Philippians 3:4b-8a. Right standing with God comes through grace not human achievement. I often hear eulogies where the person’s achievements are expressed as being the way to eternal life. I hope that my eulogy will simply say, he tried, but is only saved through the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Friday 11th March 2016. Read Philippians 3:8b-11. Wow! What a wonderful statement of grace and faith. All things worldly come to nothing, without faith in and through Jesus Christ. Reflect on this passage a few times. You may want to write your own faith statement. Saturday 12th March 2016. Read Philippians 3:12-14. Are you reaching forward in your journey with and in Jesus Christ? Mature in faith Living and thinking like Christ. Commit your whole self to His way. Walk in grace. Sunday 13th March 2016. Read John 12:1-8. As we prepare for Palm Sunday where Jesus enters Jerusalem toward His destiny, consider the journey that Jesus had to go through for you and all those around you. Where are you in your journey? Still in the past? Or looking forward to the future. I want to know Christ yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead. Philippians 3:10-11. NIV
Lettuce Pray Salad for your Soul Lent 4 Year C © Jacob van Gent 2016 Monday 29th February 2016. Read Joshua 5:9-12. For a long time the Lord had supplied manna to the Israelites providing food for them. Now, after the celebration of the Passover, the Israelites began to live on the produce of the land they had prepared and sown. God provides when we need it, we need to look around and work with what God has given us. Tuesday 1st March 2016. Read Psalm 32:1-2. God does not keep an account of sins that He has forgiven. Through Jesus Christ our sins are forgiven. Now that is Good News. Wednesday 2nd March 2016. Read Psalm 32:3-7. God knows. It is no good trying to keep anything from God. Keeping silent will be a heavy burden. The truth will set you free. Confess. Open up and allow God to forgive you. Thursday 3rd March 2016. Read Luke 15:1-2. Fancy that, welcoming sinners. We tend to forget that we ourselves are sinners. Thanks for the grace of God. Friday 4th March 2016. Read Luke 15:11-32. Those that come to the Father in true repentance are accepted and saved. Some of us forget that it is God's grace and only His grace that saves us. Open up and accept God's grace on all. Saturday 5th March 2016. Read 2 Corinthians 5:16-21. Go and humbly tell others about God's reconciling action in our lives. Grace is freely given - freely give it. Sunday 6th March 2016. Read Psalm 32:8-11. God will instruct us and be with us in all we do for Him. Rejoice in His grace on your life. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV
