Official page for the Early Childhood Intervention Service, Devonport. This page is managed by the Department of Education, Tasmania This Facebook page is managed by the Department of Education, Government of Tasmania
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Department of Education
Government of Tasmania
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Devonport Playcentre offers pre-school sessions for children aged 3 - 5 years. The small, caring environment at the centre provides an opportunity for your child to have fun, play and socialise while continuing the development of their self-esteem, confidence, language and motor skills. Phone 6424 1992 for further information
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Kids Drop in Clinic - Devonport Community & Health Services Centre
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Kids Drop In Clinic - Child and Family Centre, Drew St, East Devonport
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Free Hearing Check - January 27th 2017
A reminder to families that after this Friday 23rd September, we are closed for school holidays. We resume sessions again on Monday 10th October. You are still able to phone the centre and leave a message if you need to during this time.
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Meet the Autism Advisor - Friday 2nd September
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ECIS has a new phone number - 6478 4322, however our old number will still work until the end of this year.
Photos from ECIS Devonport's post
ECIS had its first session at Ulverstone Neighbourhood House. We had a great time getting to know each other.
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Photos from ECIS Devonport's post
Thank you to all those who joined this weeks train excursions. We will see you after the school holidays!
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Information about an upcoming excursion for our current ECIS Families. More information will be provided at your session.
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ECIS staff have attended a Sue Larkey workshop in the past and have found this a very valuable experience. Please read the attached flyer and if you are interested in attending the workshop on Friday 24th June in Launceston talk with your child's teacher.