JMack Physio
JMack Physio combines the truly awesome Adelaide physio skills of not one, but two J Macks: Jim Mack (0418 820 197) and James Mack (0424 290 422). With a combined three decades as physiotherapists in Adelaide, Jim Mack and James Mack have the experience to treat your injuries.
- Musculoskeletal and Sports Injuries
- Hip and pelvis expert treatment
- Spine
- Feet and lower limb
- Tennis Elbow
- Neck and Headaches
- Golf Physio
- Nordic Walking
- Physio Massage
- Dry needling
24/7 appointment times including after hours and excellent jokes.
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facebook.comFlagstaff Hill Golf Club
Highly recommend these clinics as a great value way to learn to play golf the right way. Matt is an excellent teaching pro.
Timeline Photos
James away this weekend. Jim been on hols this week. Both back on Tuesday. Hope you all had a great Christmas and wish you all the best for the New Year.
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I knew I spent time with patients but not that long!
Best sports for exercise: find out which ones will extend your life
Study that shows sports that engage the whole body and mimic high intensity interval training are the most beneficial for long term health. Ok it was in The New Daily but a M Gates (nee MMack) used to work there.
Cancer and exercise do mix
Great little article about benefits of exercise and cancer. They recommend 150 min moderate intensity exercise, eg 5 x 30 min brisk walks, and muscle strengthening = NORDIC WALKING - just like in the pic!
Nordic Walking Training Tour - Spring 2016 - Booking by Bookwhen
Physio's, Ex Physiologists, Podiatrists and Personal Trainers - Nordic Academy are running Nordic Walking Instructor Courses in Spring
Physio Research
We use this technique for headache - James is the expert
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Can you spot the JMack Physio logo on the right shoulder of these USG cyclists. #usgracingteam
Bright Side
Photos from JMack Physio's post
Recent article in MJA Insight about Sarcopenia - the loss of muscle mass and strength that occurs in our 40's and 50's that is related to reduced ability to dispose of glucose and predisposes us to Type 2 Diabetes. Reduced muscle mass needs to taken as seriously as bone health (osteopenia, osteoporosis) and adipose (fat) tissue. Sarcopenia affects our ability to recover from a range of conditions including cardiac arrest. A focus on resistance training and protein are essential for maintaining muscle mass. At JMack Physio we can measure your body composition with a Tanita Scan and Wellness Evaluation
USG Racing Team
Whether you are a social or competitive cyclist, like USG Racing Team , a sportsperson or just someone who has a sore body, then give Jim Mack (0418 820 197) or James Mack (0424 290 422) a call. We will do our best to fit you in and treat you at a time that is convenient for you. #flexible #physio #service
Timeline Photos
Train the Trainer - a fundraiser for Beyond Blue at Goodlife Marion. Jim putting Anthony, PT and Massage Therapist, through Kinetic Link Training Series #2 Workout A. It was a lot of fun for a worthy cause - he felt it. #beyondblue, #goodlifehealthclubs, #klt, #doms