Crib Point Stony Point Foreshore Committee of Management
Voluntary committee managing Jacks Beach Reserve, Crib Point to Stony Point Foreshore Reserves and the Stony Point boat ramp and caravan park. This Committee of Management has been in existence since the first meeting held on 25th February 1952. At that time it was known as the Stony Point Foreshore Trust, this was later changed to Crib Point and Stony Point Public Parks and Foreshore Reserves Committee of Management Inc. This was again changed to the current Crib Point Stony Point Foreshore Committee of Management Inc.
The Committee is made up of community volunteers appointed under the Crown Land Reserves Act 1978 for three year terms, via an expression of interest process conducted by the Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI). Appointees are approved by the State Minister for the Environment.
The area under management of the Committee extends from Jacks Beach Reserve, Crib Point to Stony Point and includes operating and maintaining the Stony Point Boat Ramp and Stony Point Caravan Park.
Working bees are usually held on the 1st Sunday of the month. Extra hands are always appreciated! If you wish to participate please check our facebook page and website.
Over the years the Committee has been a finalist in the Victorian Coastal Council Awards for Excellence - Coastal Management 2007 and 2009 and in 2008 the Committee was the Winner of the Keep Australia Beautiful Clean Beach Challenge award for Environmental Management
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