Your One on one Online Personal Trainer/Coach.
* Customised Workouts/ Meal plans/ Track your progress online, Stay in touch all by a free to use app.
* If you're serious about change, let me help you find your path. With MPT and lifestyle you can get the results your after for so long.
Don't get fooled by another FAD diet or quick fitness hype that's out to take your money. Instead turn back to the tried and true method of putting in the work and tracking your results online.
Who am i? I'm a Personal training with cert III and IV registered EREPS member and certification in Sports and nutrition as well as Functional Training. I come from a 14-year background working for the Dutch Military police but found my calling in the fitness industry.
Your online Personal Trainer can hold you accountable for every workout or meal that you track.
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and so much more.
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facebook.comEverything can be traced back to nutrition, nutrition should be the go-to advise for doctors, and health practitioners and not medication. Rebalance your system with a highly effective system, with multiple scientific studies to back it up. For those that are sceptics, like I was.. :) Get a Full Refund after 30 days of use, regardless of motivation or state of the product. message: to get more information. Or, respond with YES below. :)
Meal prepping for the next 5 days. 😃 Check the website for recipes. 😄
Would you like a 7 days pack of Free Personal Training? All you have to do is sign up with the link below.
What is Intermittent Fasting?
What is your biggest weakness? Why the lack of motivation? Do you really have time to do a workout? So many questions people ask themselves, before going on the healthier path.- Your brain is trying really hard to find an excuse and often, there needs to happen something first before you decide to take action. - An unflattering Photo is posted online of you. - Someone comments, "You packed on a few" - You have no desire to get out of bed in the morning... How far, are you willing to ride it out before you, take that step. How can you be as effective as possible, in making that switch. - Knowledge, Nutrition, Time management, Tools, and the correct Motivation. If you have these 5 things in place, there should be no reason, for not having time to do a workout, or having Naughty foods, or a lack of motivation. With this 16 week program, we target all of that. Get your health back, for a very small monthly fee, or total payment, you get complete access to my Fitness App, Email, Videos, Food Diary, Meal Plans, Postural Corrections, PDF's, Info sheets, welcome videos, Motivational messaging, Coaching tools, and weekly calls. It's like having a Personal trainer in your pocket, everywhere you go. SIgn, up for a free 7-Day challenge first, to get a taste, After that schedule your call with me, to go for the Full 16 weeks Challenge that will transform your life. — Products shown: 16 Week Transformation Pack.
"Imagine the Possibilities..." 💬 - A Personal Trainer, travelling with you, access 24/7.⏰ - ❗Clear video instructions ❗Results tracking ❗Check-in Systems ❗Posture corrections ❗Food Diary ❗Meal plans ❗Shopping List ❗PDF's with easy recipes ❗Motivational Messages. ❗Unlimited Emails ❗1x every 2 weeks a Video Call. 👉 FOR JUST $2,16 A DAY!!! 👈 🔥 Additional options: $15,- dollars a day, a Full Support System used by athletes and Sports Certified label and of the highest quality possible. Delivered at your doorstep. 🔥 Options for Platinum members, just $1,65 a day — Products shown: 16 Week Transformation Pack.
Get ready to get started with the best supplement system on the market.🙌👈 Lose Visceral Fat😵 Improved Sleep😴 Less Stress🤢 More Energy🔥 And if you take the time even More💲Money💲 Me as a PT, I am not afraid of telling people about these products that already have changed so many lives all over the world. Best thing is, only this week they are offering 10% discounts on the packs! Email me on Or PM me for more info on how to get started!😁🤳 Summer is coming! 🌞
🇱🇺Amazing transformation, by being a product user and transforming herself, she naturally gets asked HOW?✔💪 🌞 By taking and sharing this system, you don't only get your health back, but also your wealth back.😍 We are in the early stages of building our 🇱🇺 Dutch 'Start1000' team.🎽 If you are looking for a change in life, look no further, leave a message if your interested.🤳 Who are we? Im a registered Personal Trainer and health coach, with my wife and are both product users and loving it.🏄🏊 👉 REMINDER, this company is not active in Netherlands yet, but are around for over 10 years and well established. 👈
🔥 MPTLIFESTYLE PRESENTS: 🔥 👉 16 Week Transformation Pack 👈 🏵️ Spring is around the corner, summer is next. Make sure, to make use of our massive savings this month of August. This Transformation pack comes with: ✔️ Progressive Training System for 16 weeks ✔️ Customised Meal plans ✔️ Free to use, MPTLIFESTYLE APP ✔️ Food diary, Result tracking, Habit correction and much more 👉 All done, with the best PT Online software on the market. Book your Personal calls with me, at a time that suits you. 👉 Be held accountable, and better yet, gain the knowledge of a fit and healthy lifestyle for the future. 🎁 If that's not enough, I am offering a pack, where one of the best nutritional systems is being brought right to your doorstep. Know Exactly what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat throughout the day.🔥 ( Save $480,- dollars of your PT Pack) $ 🌍 This pack contains a 30-day money back guarantee. 🤑 🤳 Book your free call, at the link at the bottom, and let your health and body take a turn for the better, you only have one. 👇 👇 👇 👇 — Products shown: 16 Week Transformation Pack.
💪 25 years ago, FAT was the enemy in modern day diets. Now we are still seeing the product advertisements for low fat products.🔥 👉 Carbs are the next one on the list. The combination of carbs and fats are actually more likely build up Fat reserves. Don't cut carbs out of your diet complety unless your trying a KETO diet. But make sure to switch your simple carbs for Complex carbs. 👉 Simple carbs create a insulin spike quick and drops off fast as well. 👉 Complex carbs, have more starch, vitamins and minarels and take longer to digest, easing it into the bloodstream. ✔ Complex carbs: Quinoa, Wholemeal, Sweet potato, brown rice, Wild rice, oats, Fruits, vegetables. 🖓 Simple carbs: White rice, cakes, sweets, chips, soda's, sugar. (70% of supermarket products concist of Processed high sugar foods). #mptlifestyle for more information and learn the facts about what you eat, and what it does to your body and mind. 👈✔
This mom of 3, lost over 30 kg and is building a business around her weight loss journey. 💥 Would you like to work from home? 💥 Feeling healthier with more energy? 💥 Create freedom for yourself to spend time with loved ones. Mptlifestyle is offering a 16 week transformation pack. 👉 16 weeks of progressive training programs 👉 Full nutritional support system with over 500.000 active users. 👉 Results tracking 👉 One of the best rebate systems. Ask me for more information and start getting yout life #Healthier and #Wealthier. 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 P.S. Both the Personal Training System and the Support system come with a 30 day money back guarantee. Either get your health back, or get your money back :$