I offer Traditional Chinese Acupuncture and reiki treatments. Hi, I am Diane, your acupuncturist and reiki practitioner. I am French, from Reunion Island.
Many years ago, I was in a remote, poor area of Madagascar, with no hospital, and I wished to be able to help people get better with a minimum of equipment.
Later, after experiencing first hand the virtues of acupuncture, I enrolled at the Institut Chuzhen de Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise (Chuzhen Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine) in Paris, France, where I was trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine for 5 years full time. My teachers included both experienced French Practitioners and renowned Chinese professors.
After my studies, I travelled to Vietnam and China to train furthermore.
I briefly volunteered in Mumbai, India, at Barefoot Acupuncturists’ clinics.
With my teachers’ various styles and techniques, I discovered that there are different ways to practice the art of Chinese Medicine. Some say that Chinese Medicine has been around for more than 2000 years, and that there are over 2000 ways to practice acupuncture…
My aim is to help you feel better, and help you find your path to a happy, healthy life.
My tools: acupuncture, cupping, reiki.
Acupuncture has been recognised by the World Health Organisation as an efficient means to treat or alleviate many conditions, including:
-adverse reactions to chemotherapy and radiotherapy
-allergic rhinitis
-pains including period pains, headaches, stomach pains, facial pains, dental pains, lower back pain, knee pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, tennis elbow, strain, rheumatoid arthritis…
-PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
-hypertension and hypotension
-malposition of fetus
-nausea and vomiting
-deficiency in lactation
-Meniere disease
-tobacco dependence…
Traditional Chinese Medicine is a holistic approach to health. It perceives the body and the spiritual/emotional/psychological self as a whole.
It considers that human beings are one with their environment: the climate, seasons, the food we eat, everything has an effect on our health.
Acupuncture works by balancing all the systems in the body, thereby promoting self-healing, which is why it can improve a range of situations.
It is also highly recommended to lessen the effects of stress, as it is very relaxing: did you know that acupuncture triggers the production of endorphins by the body?
My main interests are treating pain (migraines, sprains of all sorts, back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, period pains...), emotional well-being, and women's health.
I can also help with other issues including weight loss, digestive issues, insomnia, shingles...
About Reiki
I was introduced to reiki in 2005 in Thailand. My first teacher was Preeya Keawpimon, a lecturer at Prince of Songkla University’s school of nursing.
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facebook.comQuelques mots pour les Français et francophones... Acupunctrice française formée à l'Institut Chuzhen de Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise (formation de 5 ans à plein temps), à Paris, je suis installée à Perth depuis 3 ans. J'ai fait reconnaître ma formation en Australie et je suis ainsi "registered" auprès d'AHPRA, l'Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Agency. L'acupuncture est efficace pour traiter les douleurs de toutes sortes, telles que les maux de dos, les douleurs cervicales, les tendinites, les douleurs menstruelles, les migraines et autres maux de tête...elle soigne aussi les problèmes gynécologiques tels que règles irrégulières, douloureuses, abondantes, absence de règles, pertes vaginales, difficulté a concevoir...les problèmes de sommeil, de stress, d'anxiété...les difficultés digestives, la constipation, la diarrhée...elle apporte un soutien aux traitements de radiothérapie et chimiothérapie, amoindrissant la nausée, améliorant l'appétit... Elle est également efficace dans les cas de paralysie a frigore (Bell's palsy), les suites d'AVC...etc ! L'acupuncture stimule les capacités d'auto-guérison du corps et l'aiguille ainsi vers son équilibre naturel. L'acupuncture est généralement très relaxante, en effet comme lorsqu'on fait du sport, lors d'une séance d'acupuncture le corps produit des endorphines... Venez me voir pour expérimenter ce bien-être et en savoir plus ! Je peux vous recevoir au sein de Nature's Harvest à Cottesloe, ou à Hamersley. La séance d'acupuncture coûte 80$.
Somehow my services section is not visible so here are my prices. Acupuncture treatments are $80. The first appointment is usually about 90 minutes long, the following ones are 60 minutes long. Reiki is $70 for an hour.
Hi, I am Diane, your acupuncturist. I am French, from Reunion Island. Many years ago, I was in a remote, poor area of Madagascar, with no hospital, and I wished to be able to help people get better with a minimum of equipment. Later, after experiencing first hand the virtues of acupuncture, I enrolled at the Institut Chuzhen de Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise (Chuzhen Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine) in Paris, France, where I was trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine for 5 years full time. My teachers included both experienced French Practitioners and renowned Chinese professors. After my studies, I travelled to Vietnam and China to train furthermore. I briefly volunteered in Mumbai, India, at Barefoot Acupuncturists’ clinics. With my teachers’ various styles and techniques, I discovered that there are different ways to practice the art of Chinese Medicine. Some say that Chinese Medicine has been around for more than 2000 years, and that there are over 2000 ways to practice acupuncture… My aim is to help you feel better, and help you find your path to a happy, healthy life. My tools: acupuncture, cupping, reiki. Acupuncture has been recognised by the World Health Organisation as an efficient means to treat or alleviate many conditions, including: -adverse reactions to chemotherapy and radiotherapy -allergic rhinitis -depression -pains including period pains, headaches, stomach pains, facial pains, dental pains, lower back pain, knee pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, tennis elbow, strain, rheumatoid arthritis… -PMS (premenstrual syndrome) -hypertension and hypotension -leukopenia -malposition of fetus -nausea and vomiting -sciatica -infertility -insomnia -deficiency in lactation -obesity -Meniere disease -tobacco dependence… (The full list is much longer.) Traditional Chinese Medicine is a holistic approach to health. It perceives the body and the spiritual/emotional/psychological self as a whole. It considers that human beings are one with their environment: the climate, seasons, the food we eat, everything has an effect on our health. Acupuncture works by balancing all the systems in the body, thereby promoting self-healing, which is why it can improve a range of situations. It is also highly recommended to lessen the effects of stress, as it is very relaxing: did you know that acupuncture triggers the production of endorphins by the body? My main interests are treating pain (migraines, sprains of all sorts, back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, period pains...), emotional well-being, and women's health. I can also help with other issues including weight loss, digestive issues, insomnia, shingles... About Reiki I was introduced to reiki in 2005 in Thailand. My first teacher was Preeya Keawpimon, a lecturer at Prince of Songkla University’s school of nursing. After experiencing the benefits of reiki on myself, on friends and relatives, I deepened my connection with reiki in 2014 by training to reiki level 2 with Roger Weston, founder and president of the Reiki Association of Western Australia. Since then I have regularly offered reiki at the Cottesloe Cancer Support Association. The practice of reiki originated in Japan and the word ‘reiki’ is made of 2 Japanese words: ‘rei’ and ‘ki’. An approximate translation for ‘reiki’ would be ‘universal/spiritual energy or life force’. It describes the energy or life force that exists in everything. Reiki is a form of hands-on energy healing, where the practitioner channels this energy through their hands. It is usually very relaxing, thus enhancing the body’s self-healing mechanisms, reducing feelings of anxiety, promoting a sense of well-being and calm. Come and try it for yourself! Finally I am registered as an acupuncturist with AHPRA (the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency). I am a member of the Reiki Association WA. At this stage, health fund rebates are not available. At the moment I can receive you at Natures Harvest, Cottesloe, or in Hamersley. Contact me for more information or to book an appointment. I look forward to meeting you and accompanying you on your journey to a healthier, happier, radiant you.
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French Touch Acupuncture