Mercy College is a Catholic secondary college for young women, committed to handing on the teachings of Christ and His Church, and to living out those teachings. Our future as a learning community is bright at Mercy. We focus all of our energies on improving learning experiences for girls. Using contemporary strategies, with a clear faith and values foundation we are clear about educating girls to be confident, active and focused life-long learners.Come and see our contemporary learning environment for yourself. Explore learning beyond our front fence in a school dedicated to the learning of girls.
We are continuing to develop our school as a thriving learning community in the 21st century and believe that engaging students in learning about how they best learn empowers them to shape their future. We are committed to journeying with each of our girls individually to achieve their own personal excellence across all aspects of their development.
As young women in this global world we urge each of our students to be self-motivated, confident and capable learners. They are ably partnered in this by our dedicated staff to excel academically, form strong interpersonal and social relationships, to be firm in their faith and values, physically active and immersed in languages and culture. Our graduates consistently reap the rewards of their dedicated efforts through excellent VCE results. We are proud partners in life-long education with parents, families, universities and TAFEs.
Our future as a learning community is bright at Mercy. We focus all of our energies on improving learning experiences for girls. Using contemporary strategies, with a clear faith and values foundation we are clear about educating girls to be confident, active and focused life-long learners.Come and see our contemporary learning environment for yourself. Explore learning beyond our front fence in a school dedicated to the learning of girls.
Tell your friends
facebook.comThe College office is now closed and will reopen on 23rd January 2017. For starting date and times for 2017 please check the website. May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace and the New Year be full of blessings for you and your family.
Photos from Mercy College Coburg Vic's post
The 70 hampers made by students on their last day of school have been delivered to the Salvation Army Coburg to become part of their Christmas food distribution today.
Congratulations to the Class of 2016 for an outstanding set of VCE and ATAR results. We are pleased to announce the Dux of the College is Erika Fernandez. The school community is very proud of the class of 2016 and the staff, and wishes every student continued success in the future.
Photos from Mercy College Coburg Vic's post
Today is the final day for students in Years 7 – 9. Liturgies, level assemblies, showcases, KKs, a picnic style lunch and hamper making – all these activities celebrate the conclusion of yet another year.
Students and parents may be aware that there was an early release of some VCE results yesterday in error by the VCAA. At this stage we do not believe that any Mercy College students have been impacted. If any student or parent has any concerns, please contact the College.
Bounce Year 7s
A great flipping way to end the school year!
Photos from Mercy College Coburg Vic's post
Sania, Jessica, Elizabeth, Nikita and Luisa are hard at work at Norman Disney Young for the Engineering Students@Work program this week. They are being supported by the engineers at NDY so they can plan and design an energy efficient building to fit within our city scape. A great way for our 2017 VCE Physics students to get some insight into possible career pathways.
The Chamber Choir performing 'Ngarra Burra Ferra', an Aboriginal Hymn in Yorta Yorta language, at our Night of Excellence.
Timeline Photos
Lizzie Blandthorn MP presents a special award
Photos from Mercy College Coburg Vic's post
Celebrating academic excellence
Timeline Photos
Outstanding solo performance from Mary Rosella at our annual awards night
Tonight we welcome the St Paul's community to Mercy College as they celebrate their Christmas Advent concert.