The Friends of Aileu The Friends of Aileu is the East Timor Partnership Project of the Moreland and Hume City Councils. Friends of Aileu links the two Councils and their communities in an enduring friendship relationship with the Municipal Administration of Aileu, Timor-Leste, and the Aileu community.
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Check out HIAM Health and its work in the nutrition field, including with Moringa
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
For another perspective on trees and food security try this, and if you can get along to hear Brian Hilton and Andrew Mahar at Friends of Aileu Diner and Forum on 'Reforestation and Sustainable Livelihoods, Aileu and Baguia, Tmor-Leste' Tuesday 2 May Hume Global Learning Centre, Broadmeadows
FriendsofAileu DinnerForum Reforestation&Livelihoods Timor-Leste
Following the Easter break, if you are able to attend it's time to book now Keeping the costs down this year's event is BYO alcohol. Tickets only $30/$20 concession, including: - a three-course meal from Sabores de Timor and - an illuminating disucssion on Reforestation and Sustainable Livelihhoods, Experiences from Aileu and Baguia with Andrew Mahar WithOneBean Coffee CarbonSocial and Dr Brian Hilton World Vision Australia Book at Eventbrite
Australia in Timor-Leste
Another great night with METAC. This time with Fernando Pires visiting from Timor-Leste, and 3 or the 4 new East Timorese students commencing studies in Melbourne this year. And thanks to Richie sharing the evening with African and Vietnamese Women and the band from BANH Neighbourhood Houses
The Act of Living - Footscray Community Arts Centre
A very moving exhibition based on interactive, participatory research with women survivors of '65 conducted by the Indonesian NGO Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR). As Patrick Walsh noted: "The exhibition is also relevant to East Timor in two ways: one, because AJAR the Indonesian NGO behind it is responsible for the incredible tracing and reuniting of Timorese kids (now adults) who were abducted to Indonesia during the war; two, because the mass executions which the women in the exhibition survived were conducted by the same military institution and for the same reasons as the massacres in Timor. The Timorese and Indonesians who were liquidated a few short years apart shared the same fate and are literally blood brothers and sisters." The video accompanying the exhibition also includes aspects of AJAR's work with survivors of subsequent periods of violence including in Timor-Leste and Aceh. A must see open until 20 May.
Health Alliance International Timor-Leste
Congratulations to Aileu municipal health sector on move to take on management of the Liga Inan program supporting maternal and child health
Is Timor-Leste Ready for an Issues-Based Election? - The Asia Foundation
TAIS as the Creative Economy Strength of Timor-Leste
BBC Indonesia
FriendsofAileu DinnerForum Reforestation&Livelihoods Timor-Leste
Friends of Aileu Dinner and Forum 2017, 7pm Tuesday 2 May, Hume GLC, Broadmeadows - 'Reforestation and Sustainable Livelihoods: Experiences from Aileu and Baguia, Timor-Leste', with: - Brian Hilton, World Vision Food Security Advisor - Andrew Mahar, xpandFoundation (WithOneSeed/CabonSocial). Tickets $30 ($20 concession) 3-course meal Catering by Sabores de Timor Booking now open on Eventbrite - follow the link below image. Enquiries mob 0475 954 068