Over the next five years we will be running a large number of activities that will not only raise funds but will also involve the local community.
Tell your friends
facebook.comURGENT! We are looking for anyone that can sing some carols to join a small Judes group singing at Bunnings Collingwood from 12-1pm ish today (Christmas Eve). You don't need to be a great singer, just enthusiastic! Call or text Mike Young 0466 437 357.
Dessert + Music Night
***DRUM ROLL*** And the winner of the closest guess is James McClure! We raised a total of $2215.50 from shaking tins last Saturday!! Great job and thank you to everyone who participated!
Founding Our Future
**Last chance to get your guess in! How much did we raise on Saturday (in Australian$, not the other 12 currencies that were donated). Post your guess below!
Timeline Photos
**More volunteers still needed** Buckets are ready for tin-shaking this Saturday! Get your Harlem shake on!
Tin-Shaking Fundraiser!
Volunteers Needed! Please come help out on Sunday 1st October and shake tins to raise money to repair St Jude's.
Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser - This Sunday!
Trivia With A Touch Of Class
Trivia Night - with a touch of class Enjoy a slow roasted lamb feast, dessert bar, photo booth & professionally presented trivia. Ridley college will be classed up for the event so dress to impress as there are bonus points for the classiest table. Individual and group bookings available. Spots limited so bookings essential!
Carlton Site Development information session
Don't forget to come along Tuesday night for an update information session for the Carlton Campus. Register your interest on the Facebook event below.
Sons of Korah | Fundraising Concert
2 days to go! Get in fast tickets are selling fast and we are almost at capacity! Book now to guarantee a ticket as it may be sold out on the night!
Sons of Korah | Fundraiser Concert
Less than a week to go and tickets are selling quickly! Make sure you book soon otherwise you might miss out!
Sons of Korah | Fundraising Concert
Get in quick! Tickets for Sons of Korah are selling fast! There are limited tickets so if you want to go you need to book soon! Go to