Kinesiology, Reiki and Intuitive Readings for creative, sensitive, soulful women in Melbourne. Sessions available in Carlton or via Skype <3
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No one is judging you as harshly as you're judging yourself. Trust me. They're not! A common theme coming up for clients this Spring has been to release self-judgement. So interesting, in this season of blooming 😊🌸 Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop the self-deprecation. Just stop. It's madness! There will always be someone who is farther ahead than you in any particular aspect of life; and always someone behind. That is just the nature of...nature. Each of us grow in different directions at different speeds; each of us has wisdom and goodness to share, exactly as we are, right now. Let yourself bloom. Be more like the flowers - they don't think OMG that flower is taller/more advanced/prettier than me etc. etc. They just bloom. They stand proud as themselves and happily share their unique beauty with the world. Go forth dear one, and do your art! Create. Write. Dance. Draw. Play. Do it for the joy it brings to your soul. Trust your creative flow. Every master was once a beginner. YOU are amazing. ❤🌼🌻🌸❤
Sacred Birth Services - A Resource List - Jacqueline Palazzo
A resource list for pregnant women <3 Did you know that Kinesiology sessions can clear the blocks to conception? When women want to and aren't able to conceive, there can be so many different reasons. If there is no known medically clarified reason that a woman isn't able to conceive - it's highly likely that there's energetic reasons - which Kinesiology can address. In a Kinesiology session we can identify the root energetic cause(s) of infertility and shift them, giving the mother the best possible chance of falling pregnant. (The length of time in which this can occur is very varied, depending on the individual circumstances. Clients that I've assisted have had anywhere between 1 and 10 sessions before becoming pregnant.) When pregnant, Kinesiology and Reiki sessions are also a beautiful and powerful way to support yourself to have the healthiest pregnancy possible. I just adore working with pregnant women :) Please share with any women you know who may benefit <3
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Thrilled to restock my Sacred Self Oils this week! 💖 Such joy when this magical package arrives. A Truth oil went home with a gorgeous client this morning, who LOVED it. Absolutely perfect for what she needed. I love the new postcards too - I Am The One. ❤ Have you ever found yourself seeking "the one"? The truth is, the only love we are ever really seeking is our own. YOU are the one you've been waiting for. And when the time comes that you're happy and content with who you are, on your own, right now - that's when we attract the perfect companion. Someone else who has found wholeness, as themselves, as they are. This is the basis for a healthy relationship. You're always attracting a mirror of your own vibration. I work with a variety of potent, powerful vibrational tools/remedies; that assist my clients in healing, shifting, releasing and transforming. These oils smell and feel absolutely divine. Designed to be worn on skin, not for the burner. A brilliant alternative to traditional perfumes, which contain a cocktail of hormone disrupting chemicals - not good for our health. Thank you @sacredself for your beautiful, powerful, sacred creations 💖🌹💖 my clients and I love them! 💚
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Gosh the colours of these gorgeous flowers in bloom!! 🌼🌞🌻 Took this pic on my morning walk in the bright sunshine yesterday, before my day with clients. So invigorating. A morning walk is an essential part of my prep for work. Walking amongst trees and flowers grounds and centers my energy, gets the blood and lymph flowing, and elevates my vibration. Interestingly, the more we ground, the closer we are to spirit. As above so below 💚 I've had a reschedule tomorrow - an appointment is now available at 12pm. This is the only Saturday appt left for the year except for 2 appts on Dec 24. (There is some other availability on weekdays.) Is it your time to release anything holding you back from blooming into your full, radiant potential? I'd love to help you make 2017 your best EVER year. Contact me now to book. ❤
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So, so good 😄 Reminds me of the quote: The mind is a faithful servant, but a dangerous master. 💖 Let your soul guide the way xx
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Take time today, to be in nature. To just be. Even if only for a few minutes. Take yourself to some clean air, surround yourself with trees. Take a moment, to breathe. To pause. To stop, and feel. Our lives get so busy. Life this day in age is so full of distractions, demands, requests on our time and energy. There’s work to do, people to take care of. Never forget to nurture and take care of yourself first. We cannot give (effectively!) from an empty vessel. Fill yourself first, and give from a place of overflow. Be so full of your own love, that it cannot help but spill outwards. You have a duty of care, first to yourself. In turn, you honour your duty of care to the people around you. When you’re full, you give the best of yourself. It starts with you. ❤🌹 #nature #selflove #kinesiology #selfcare #breathe
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Friday afternoon Vitamin D fix with music and these babies 💖🌞 yes please!! What's your favourite type of #excercise ? How do you find flow? #flow #findflow #dance #joy #movement #sunshine
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A flower will not bloom until it's well and truly ready. You can't force anything in nature to grow - tree, plant, animal. Why should we force ourselves? We too, are nature. So often we put pressure on ourselves. "I should be xyz by now" or "Why hasn't this happened yet?" or "What? This shit from my childhood again? I've done SO much work on this!!" Sound familiar? Be patient. Keep moving. Keep showing up for yourself. Stay committed to you. Rest deeply. Give yourself what you need. Unapologetically. You do not need to explain or justify your "no", your need for time alone, your need for anything. You are a goddess. Know it. Believe it. 💜☄🌹 #kinesiology #reiki #goddess #healing #wellness #sacred #soul #nature #awaken
Do You Desire Yourself? - Jacqueline Palazzo
Do you desire yourself? Interesting question isn't it ;) Are you attracting what you desire in your life right now? If not, have a read. In this post I've included two examples of the types of thoughts we can think to either attract or repel the partner or business of our dreams. Going beyond thought, of course, action is required. Kinesiology is fantastic for bringing us into alignment with what we truly want to create and experience in our life. <3
Sounds True
This a really powerful and beautiful evening meditation. Meditation at night helps you to release the day, call your energy back and sleep deeper. ❤
How To Be Grounded - Jacqueline Palazzo
** New blog post! ** Are you an over-thinker? Do you often feel anxious, frazzled, scattered or forgetful? Do you often have that sense of being "stuck in your head", or "off with the fairies"? There's a big chance you're not grounded if so! Read on to find out what that means, why it's so important and learn how you can feel more grounded, right now. Please like and share this post if it resonates with you, so it may benefit your friends too. I'd love to hear how you go with this technique, and feel free to share any other grounding tips in the comments <3
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This is a great chart! The organs and times refer to the meridians of the body (Traditional Chinese medicine), when they're most active and the optimal activities to do at the time. When we align ourselves to our natural body clock and qi flow, as often as we can, we enhance our optimal health and wellbeing.