Sydney Australia Temple
This is a page for the Sydney Australia Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is an unofficial, non-endorsed page.
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facebook.comPhotos from Sydney Australia Temple's post
The temple is a wonderful place to bring family and friends on a Sunday evening. This evening Sister Ceff and Sister Walker walked around the temple teaching Joanne who is being baptised this coming Saturday. Please visit the temple grounds to share the gospel and your testimony. #lds #asnm #sharegoodness #LightTheWorld
"Its an awesome feeling to end a week at the most perfect place in the world" Occasionally, people use the check-in feature on Facebook, to let other know they have attended the temple! We love the comment left by a member who used the check-in feature...
Temples Reflect the Savior’s Love for Us
President Henry B. Eyring taught us"“Every part of these buildings, and all that goes on inside them, reflect the love of the Savior for us, and our love for Him,” Please watch this short church to inspire you today! :)
The Ensign Magazine
All family history callings in the Church have a new name. What's in a name? Check it out.
The newly built Family History Library Discovery Experience looks amazing. Time to add it to the buck list :)
Photos from Sydney Australia Temple's post
Linda K Burton said "I invite each of us to evaluate how much we love the Savior, using as a measure how joyfully we keep our covenants" We love seeing photos of people at temples. We came across these photos of Sister Fuller currently in the Oakhurst ward outside her home temple of Tahiti, New Zealand temple during her time in the MTC and here in the Sydney. Often we think missionary are here to teach and baptise people. Their real goal is to help all make covenants in the temple. During 2017 we encourage you to make it a priority to assist the missionaries help others make and keep covenants. #lds #ShareGoodNess #LightTheWorld #Temple #ldstemple #SydneyTemmple #Sydney
Photos from Sydney Australia Temple's post
We are grateful for the wonderful vision our Area Presidency has regarding the goals for 2017. All four of these goals can relate to the temple... 1) Honour the Sabbath day - You can participate in indexing or family history research. 2) Increase Spiritual and Temporal self reliance - Share your testimony temple blessings with your family and friends. 3) Hasten the work of salvation - On both sides of the veil is possible. 4) Seek the blessings of the temple - Increases the time you spend at the temple. Have an amazing 2017 as you make Christ the centre of our lives and your home's.
Photos from Sydney Australia Temple's post
Over the Christmas lights period we saw many photos from members posted online. One of our favorites was this from the Euese family. They visited the temple lights on Wednesday with their young men's youth group. Then the following Sunday five members of the family were baptised. At the end of the temple visit the youth were encouraged to always be worthy to attend the temple. A wonderful goal we should all work towards.
Timeline Photos
Reminder the temple reopens this morning. The session times remain the same.
Photos from Sydney Australia Temple's post
It's starting to feel a bit like Christmas on the temple grounds! From December 1st come and enjoy the spirit of Christmas, as President Monson said "The spirit of Christmas is indeed the Christ spirit." It's a bit hard to see the lights in the photos during the day, we have included some photos from previous years.
Timeline Photos
Sister Bonnie L Oscarson during General Conference taught us "We need to study and understand temple ordinances and covenants. The temple holds a place at the very center of our most sacred beliefs, and the Lord asks that we attend, ponder, study, and find personal meaning and application individually. We will come to understand that through the ordinances of the temple, the power of godliness is manifest in our lives and that because of temple ordinances, we can be armed with God’s power, and His name will be upon us, His glory round about us, and His angels have charge over us. I wonder if we are fully drawing upon the power of those promises."
Timeline Photos
This post is an update from one of our Instagram friends, whose daughter is currently serving a mission in Florida. Her mission area has been impacted by the recent hurricane. Her message shows the Christ love and service happening right now. _____________ Evacuation orders were lifted and we returned back to St. Augustine Saturday night. Sunday rolled around and we were off. We arrived at the packed stake center wearing work pants and t-shirts. The Sacrament was passed reverently to the 200 people waiting to serve. Closing remarks were given in this 30 min meeting and the spirit overcame me. I felt a deep gratitude for my Heavenly Father. I felt his love for me and better yet--I felt his love for all his children. I knew at that moment that I had been called to serve, but most importantly--I had been called to love as he loved. The desire to help everyone be relieved burned within me. All I wanted was to truly share the gospel through charitable acts, and the Lord definitely provided. The remainder of our Sunday consisted of clean up and relief efforts. We served with all our heart, mind, and strength. When our heads hit the pillow we slept with the assurance that we had the most memorable, impactful and blessed week of our missions....thus far. Thanks for all your love, concern and support, Sister Brian ___________________