Real relationship with God,
Real relationships with each other,
Real engagement in God's mission Welcome to the social media hub for all things at St Phils Caringbah Anglican Church! Check here for updates for #churchatten and #churchatsix and also just general church updates.
We're a church looking to serve and honour our Lord Jesus Christ and promote his message of grace to the world!
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facebook.comMore Than A Meal presents Christmas in July FREE ROAST TURKEY DINNER. If you are doing it tough at the moment or just a bit lonely then come along to Christmas in July at St Phils Anglican Church Caringbah, 402 Port Hacking Road South, Caringbah this Thursday 6th July, from 5.30 onwards. Come as you are and enjoy a Free Turkey roast and christmas pud. Please share this post so that people in our community get the chance to come. For more details call 0478 926 125. See you on Thursday
Great news everyone! In response to a request at the 2017 AGM, the wardens and parish council have agreed to install solar panels on the St Stephens Halls roof. This has come out of the existing maintenance budget and the 15kW system will allow us to save on our electricity usage costs and do our bit in caring for the environment. Thanks be to God and also Matt Fenwick + solar panel Committee and also thanks to Green and Save Solar.
Some encouraging news for everyone! After the rains last night, it would appear that the roof fixes in the church building have been successful! Also, in other news, the "great untangling" of our sound system has been progressing well. Thanks be to God for all who have given generously of their time and resources for the upkeep of the St Phils church buildings and equipment
Meet at 6pm on Castlereagh St near Tiffany & Co. Please pit your name on the list on the Connect Desk if you are coming so we will know who to wait for. We will head off at 6:15pm. [Photo from]
We at St Phils have been working together with Caringbah Baptist Church, St Andrew's Cronulla, C3 Miranda, East Coast Church and Caringbah Presybterian Church... and we are delighted to announce that Jesse Mawson is our first SRE Teacher into the High Schools of the Eastern Shire! Come along to Caringbah Baptist Church this Thursday at 7:30pm as we commission Jesse for his new role.
A time to relax, eat delicious dessert and hear women tell their stories about life and faith in Jesus. RSVP to by Wednesday 21 June 2017
Men, We’ll be heading to Sydney Showground at Sydney Olympic park in August 2017 for convenient 6-hour recharge for our men at BASECAMP. BASECAMP Sydney will feature excellent Bible talks, tasty food and the opportunity to learn practical wisdom for living well as a Christian man. When: Saturday 12 August, 2017. Where: Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park See Geoff B for more information
And He Created All Things
2017 marks the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther publishing his 95 theses. In effect what is known as the Reformation was begun by that brave act. And throughout the 16th Century there were different Reformers who lived and taught and preached and wrote calling the church back to the essentials of the gospel. Those have been summarized down to 5 simple phrases which when translated into English are Scripture alone, Faith Alone, Grace Alone, Christ Alone and God’s Glory Alone. In Latin, they are sola scriptura, sola fide, sola gratia, solus Christus and soli Deo gloria. On 7th May, we are starting our new preaching series, “The 5 Solas of the Reformation” – where each week will be looking at a different Sola. Our Connect Bible Study groups will be studying these at the same time via the series “Ideas the Changed the World”. Leaders and group members can purchase this resource at Finally, we thought that the following infographic from the Good Book Company was helpful too
Mobile Food Pantry, every two weeks, next date Friday 21 April 2017 at St Phils 402 Port Hacking Road South, Caringbah. $10 for a bag of groceries of your choice. Open between 3.00pm and 4.00pm, pension, health or refugee card required. In partnership with Anglicare
More Than A Meal Easter dinner. MTAM provides a free dinner on the first Thursday of the month at 5.30 at St Phils Caringbah all are welcome, come as you are.