Catherine Rubbi Speech Pathology Services
Welcome to Catherine Rubbi Speech Pathology Services. We specialise in the assessment and treatment of paediatric speech, language and learning difficulties. Staffed by seven highly trained and professional Speech Pathologists, we offer the latest innovate neuroscientific approaches to therapy. We are also interested in the use of computer based programs and ipads to aid in the delivery of effective therapy.
Catherine Rubbi Speech Pathology Services is an approved Government Provider for the Helping Children with Autism Program and the Betterstart Programs. Both these programs are funded by FaHCSIA and more information can be obtained by visiting the FaHCSIA website.
Who comes to Speech Pathology?
We see children who have difficulties in the following areas:
- Receptive language (understanding of language)
- Expressive language (use of language)
- Articulation (production of speech sounds)
- Reading (accuracy, comprehension and rate)
- Spelling
- Auditory Short Term Memory
- Stuttering
- Voice Problems
- Developmental Disabilities
- Autism (ASD)
Please see our website for detailed descriptions of the areas listed above.
If you would like further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
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facebook.comIt can be hard to know where to start if you think your child has delays with their language. Expanding and extending language is a technique we regularly use in the clinic. Click on the link below to view examples of how these strategies can be used at home. If you are concerned about your child’s language development, give us a call on 9526 2788 to talk to one of our therapists. #slp #slpeeps #speechtherapy #development #growth #learning #education #Language #infant #child #kids #children #health #milestones #vocabulary #school #family
Reading with your children from a very young age is a great way to boost their language development. It helps to develop their preliteracy skills, knowledge of sounds and rhyme, vocabulary development and sentence structure. It is never too early to start reading with your child. The winners of Speech Pathology Australia’s annual Book of the Year awards will be announced on November 2. Check out the books that have been shortlisted in the Birth to 3 years category and pick them up at your local bookstore today! #slp #slpeeps #slp2b #language #development #child #infant #baby #family #education #reading #literacy #speechpathology #communication #speech #speechtherapy #slpbloggers
Developmental Language Disorders An interesting article on Developmental Language Disorders and how these delays can impact other aspects of your child’s learning. The article highlighted that “2 children in every class of 30 will experience Developmental Language Disorders severe enough to hinder academic progress.” Click on the link to discover what a Developmental Language Disorder is, and common myths surrounding Language disorders in children. If you are concerned about your child’s language development, give us a call on 9526 2788 to talk to one of our therapists. #slp #slpeeps #development #growth #learning #education #Language #DLD #child #kids #children #reading #classroom #health #milestones #vocabulary #school
Year 1 students will undergo a literacy and phonics “check” under a new national assessment. The “check” will be rolled out for Year 1 children across the nation to identify those who are behind, and focus on phonics knowledge, and number sense and position. The check has not yet been developed, but will become part of the National Assessment Program as early as 2019. Here’s what you need to know about why we need the phonics check. Know someone who will find this post useful? Like and share this post with them. #education #literacy #phonics #school #development #child #student #learning #slp #slpeeps #reading
Literacy Milestones: Identifying literacy difficulties in your child is difficult without a sense of where your child is expected to be. This article by kidspot, provides a guide for literacy milestones for children aged 7-8 years old, a critical transitional age where children should now be reading to learn. The article further provides practical tips to strengthen your child’s literacy skills. If you are concerned about your child’s literacy, give us a call on 9526 2788 to talk to one of our therapists. #slp #slpeeps #development #growth #learning #education #school #literacy #child #kids #children #reading #classroom #health #milestones #vocabulary
Happy International Literacy Day! UNESCO’s International Literacy Day theme for 2017 is “Literacy in a Digital World”. Digital technologies are changing the way people live, work, learn and socialise everywhere. This year’s literacy day aims to highlight the challenges and opportunities in promoting literacy in the digital world. We understand the value of strong literacy skills in children’s lives – it affects the majority of their daily activities. Any difficulties faced in this area during childhood can significantly impact them well into adulthood too. If you are concerned about your child’s literacy, give us a call on 9526 2788 to talk to one of our therapists. #slp #slpeeps #language #development #learning #education #school #literacy #child #children #reading #rhyme #classroom #health #unesco #internationalliteracyday
Great app for speech difficulties. We love using different, fun and interactive ways to target kids speech difficulties in our therapy sessions. Apps can be great tools to use in therapy as well as in the home environment. Articulation station by “little bee speech” is an app we regularly use in the clinic, but is also a great tool to use at home. What other apps do you do you love using with your kids? Know someone who will find this post useful? Like and share this post with them! #baby #infant #toddler #child #children #family #growth #development #health #slp #slpeeps #speech #communication #talk #kids #a
Feeding kids can be a challenge. Did you know that some speech pathologists specialise in eating and drinking difficulties in babies and children? If your child is having trouble with fussy eating, starting solids, chewing and swallowing, breast or bottle feeding, or has a disability that impacts their feeding, Debra from Feeding Kids Sydney can help. Debra has a new website with all the information available below. #baby #infant #toddler #development #child #feeding #family #health #slp #slpeeps #speechpathology
Do you know your speech sound development milestones? Achieving the speech sounds milestone is equally as important as mastering the motor skills milestone (e.g. crawling, walking etc). Kid Sense has a great chart that covers what age children should be able to say certain sounds. As a general guide, you should be able to understand (Flipsen, 2006): • 50% of what a 2 year old child is saying • 75% of what a 3 year old child is saying • 100% of what a 4 year old child is saying Know someone who will find this post useful? Like and share this post with them! #baby #infant #toddler #child #children #family #growth #development #health #slp #slpeeps #speech #communication #talk #milestones #kids
Study finds: nearly a third of preschool teachers overlook speech disorders. Speech sound disorders are common within preschool children, however research has shown that nearly a third of preschoolers speech disorders are overlooked by educators, whereas parents were able to identify speech disorders in 88 per cent of cases. Are you concerned about your child’s speech development? Give us a call on 9526 2788 to speak to one of our therapists. As a general rule, it’s always best to treat any issues early, rather than waiting till later. Know someone who will find this post useful? Like and share this post with them. #child #children #toddler #preschool #development #speech #health #slp #slpeeps #family #kids #communication
Here are some great ways to boost your preschooler's language development! These easy language development activities can be used everyday in the classroom, and at home. They encourage your child to use their vocabulary and sentence structure - these are important elements for developing strong verbal communication skills. Check them out in the link below! Know someone who will find this post useful? Like and share this post with them! #child #children #toddler #preschool #development #language #health #slp #slpeeps #family #kids #education #classroom #communication
Language milestone. Language includes a child’s ability to use words and sentences to express themselves (expressive language), as well as their ability to understand and interpret what is being said to them (receptive language). These skills are vital for communication and learning in the school and home environment. The American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA) has useful information to assist parents in understanding language development and practical suggestions to help parents develop these skills. #slp #slpeeps #language #development #learning #education #school #literacy #child #children #reading #classroom #health