This page is just about sharing some pics of the fun and adventure we have in the 1st Caringbah Scout and Venturer units here in Sydney, Australia - enjoy.
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facebook.com1st Caringbah Scout Group's cover photo
Timeline Photos
Get ready for an awesome 2016! We have so many new adventures planned! See below for your sections start date: Joeys - Fri 5th Feb Cubs - Tues 2nd Feb Scouts - Thurs 4th Feb - slip 'n slide - please note incorrect date on 2015 calendar Vennies - Mon 1st Feb - see your fb page for details
JNN Daily Editions
AJ 2016 - Cataract
Here is a collection of our awesome moments from AJ. We had great adventures, made awesome friends and had the time of our lives! Thanks to the scouts for making it so enjoyable for the Leaders, we had just as much fun as the scouts! I cant wait for AJ2019 in Adelade! Enjoy the photos ....
Timeline Photos
Back at Cataract this morning to collect all the gear - its strange to be back!!
Timeline Photos
We survived
Timeline Photos
Troop C520 on our way home - that really was the adventure of our lives!!
Timeline Photos
Closing ceremony at AJ2016 - coming to the end of an awesome adventure!
It's Carnival night at #aj2016
Timeline Photos
More leaders having fun - conquering challenge valley
Who said Jamboree is just for scouts :-).
Photos from 1st Caringbah Scout Group's post
AJ 2016