Kinesiology for emotional wellbeing, stress etc. Gift store:Fairies & Fantasy & Anne Stokes products,hand coloured Mandala art work. Online card readings.
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Jo-Anne is available today for psychic readings. Call 49436621 for appoinments. Clarity and guidence for now and the future is Jo-Anne's forte'
Place Ice on This Point 2 Times a Day and Something Amazing Will Happen to Your Body! -...
This is what is done through muscle testing in Touch For Health kinesiology.
Reflective Soul Natural Health
Debra is back !! Debra Sheilds will be available today and each Wednesday for psychic/mediumship readings. Debra is very experienced and has also read internationally. Debra works with spirit to help with clarification and guidence on the NOW and in the future. Please call 02 49436621 for an appointment. Spaces available tomorrow. shop 6 - 3 Glebe St Kahibah 2290
Frankie Perez's MindGym
I just love this poem about the people that come into our lives
My Mummy Has Cancer
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New candle scents available in store. By #soycandlesbymelanie. Coconut & lime, champagne & strawberries, lemongrass, pomegranate and lychee with black tea.
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Jo-Anne is avaialble tomorrow for Psychic readings, give me a call on 49436621 to may an appointment.
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The shop will be open between 9.00am and 12pm tomorrow if you would like to pop in. I have some lovely crystal eggs and hearts which would make lovely Easter gifts. Plenty of other beautiful things to see as well. Happy Easter to you all
Why It's Important for Parents to Show Their True Feelings - Hey Sigmund - Karen Young
Heart in Hand yoga and Hawaiian massage