Hypnobirthing WA
A simple but effective childbirth education program designed to empower parents with tools and techniques to achieve a calm and gentle birthing experience, through guided imagery, visualisation, and specific breathing techniques.
The Hypnobirthing course includes the following materials:
* Text Book: HypnoBirthing® The Mongan Method
* 2 deep-relaxation hypnosis CD’s
* Birth Affirmations
* Class handouts loaded with information, articles, techniques, birth preference sheets, fear-release exercises, and hypnosis scripts.
"We believe that every woman has within her the power to call upon her natural instincts to bring about the best possible birthing for her baby and herself"
-Marie F. Mongan
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Induction of Labour: balancing risks
What is a stretch and sweep?
New Born Baby
I remember those days
HypnoBirthing - The Mongan Method in Australia
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Lisa Brandis
Lisa Brandis
Cosmopolitan Australia